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Everything posted by marty2756

  1. A shame that too much things (AI, ATC, weather, world scenery, etc) are needed to 'convert' outerra to a sim, but nice to see an airliner in that incredible terrain engine.
  2. SkyMaxx v2 will have to wait until 10.30 go final right ?
  3. Is it possible to use Jar a320 ? didn't see it on supported aircraft. I searched all airports for an a320 available for rent, and no one appeared, is it possible? :/
  4. I've heard its mostly for GA.... is there a detailed explanation how works the 'game' for heavys / commercial airliners ?
  5. Sure, its good news for me just taking it into consideration
  6. An instant-buy for me. The only reason i quit from flying carrbbean places when I switched x-plane is lack of water quality/variety. Today water in x-plane is totally outdated compared to terrain graphics
  7. Hi as I'm on vacation now, I have my laptop and i'm testing it with all x-plane slidrs to slow... I anyway expected some fps improve , its a I5 3ghz, not so bad, but I'm for sure GPU-bound, its not a gaming laptop. Then.. I will test it this weekeend when I'm back at home with my desktop... with HDR on , and so on... Thanks
  8. Hi I did a small test (always without HDR), ran x-plane 5 times with Skymaxx 1.0 , starting in the same place, same weather, (not touching anything) fps stabilized to 23/24 fps. Then updated to 1.1, started x-plane 5 times also, with same place,conditions, not touching anything, and fps remain the same.(24fps) Is FPS improvement in some specific situations/configurations ? Thank you ,
  9. Absolutely right about SKymax right now,,, has to be used without HDR...... made similar tests today....with no plugins messing around and same results, excessive FPS drop with HDR enabled . (made every possible combination with SM UI). Really sad for me.... as I'm one of those who won't go back to non-hdr. Will have to wait... Anyway , addon is great.
  10. with HDR on..... I was having more than 30fps on default LEMD, Addon: A320 Jar Design, plugins: World Traffic , NOAA plugin , (tested this on purpose, exactly same x-plane config, just before adding skymax) Then with skymaxx, I've got fps in the rang of 18 - 22 fps, depending UI configuration. (Just in case I started disabling the rest of plugins, but no fps noticable difference)
  11. I' think its not top high end, but pretty decent hardware, i5 sandy bridge overclocked at 4.2ghz, gforce 580 gtx+ (VRAM is at 50% usage), honestly i didn't expected 10 fps loss , not even with HDR . Is there planed any performance tweaking for HDR ? (Tested with UI settings at low , and its the same, rays don't seem to be the difference) Besides this, this addon is really great. Thanks
  12. I'm having terrible FPS loss with HDR option, which I've always used... (tested same airport and situation HDR on , but with default weather I've got ~32fps , with skymax less than 20 fps) is skymaxx intended to work with HDR off ? .
  13. Alpilotx: I know it won't be in the next update South America... but would it be possible to do in the future ? is it a matter of work or you don't have the 'source' data to do it? Thanks for your big contribtion to x-pane
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