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Everything posted by Shane

  1. Thanks! Don't know how I missed it. Much appreciated.
  2. What will the update include? Someone earlier stated it would be released in about a week (that was July) it should be released. Since its the middle of October now I'm guessing the change list has at least been finalized? Any change list we can looksy at? Thanks!
  3. I noticed the nosewheels portruding as well.
  4. Turning off HDR provides higher FPS, but adjusting the AI, shadows, etc. doesn't seem to help at all. Weird. Having said that, even with the better performance of having HDR off, performance is still pretty low. Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk 2
  5. Awesome! Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk 2
  6. Ditto on the HDR. Off yields 10 fps.Haven't messed with shadows yet. Oddly, my FPS is the same at KFAT as KSEA. Turning off AI aircraft yields no change. My specs: i7 920 @ 4ghz 6gb ram Gtx 680 Classified 4gb Res set at 1920x1080 Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk 2
  7. What's funny about it? Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk 2
  8. Not upset at all, just things I noticed.
  9. Hey, all, great release! Love the auto-start. It sure helps when not much time is available (every add-on should have this, lol). Having said that, I noticed a few visual errors that sort of stuck out to me. I guess they can either be referred to as errors or just "oversights". 1. Pilot scale is too small. Not much to explain here. Found a bunch of pics online to show what I am referring too: a. http://img1.pictaero.com/2013/07/27/s/197769.jpg b. http://www.mcyl.netrunner.pl/stare-fotki/spotting-EPZG/CGQ-1.jpg c. http://img.planespotters.net/photo/228000/original/SP-KPV-SprintAir-Saab-340_PlanespottersNet_228009.jpg d. http://fotografialatawcowa.com/plane/dsc_4578_std.jpg - Notice how close the pilots are to eachother. e. http://www.mcyl.netrunner.pl/stare-fotki/spotting-EPZG/CGQ-1.jpg 2. Saab signature side-window slant. Essentially, what I am referring to is how the side windows (of the cockpit) angle down. It's one of the defining looks of the real Saab. a. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a3/Saab_340A_VH-KDK.jpg b. http://img.planespotters.net/photo/299000/original/SP-KPC-SprintAir-Saab-340_PlanespottersNet_299768.jpg c. http://img.planespotters.net/photo/290000/original/YL-RAH-RAF-Avia-Saab-340_PlanespottersNet_290775.jpg Not sure if stuff like this is something you folks would look at fixing, but I wanted to point them out. Thanks for your time!
  10. That was amazing! Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk 2
  11. *Changes pants* Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk 2
  12. Quick question... When you move the sun visors in the VC, is their movement reflected on the external visual model (ie when views from outside)? I ask because I noticed in the video it looks like the visors are always in the side windows (when viewed externally). Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Tapatalk 2
  13. Here's a link to a good source of technical information that will get your feet wet. https://sites.google.com/site/sf340com/ Carlos Thanks, Carlos! Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk 2
  14. I just realized I asked for the manual and its the part being worked on. Lol it was a long day. Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk 2
  15. Thanks for the update! Any chance you could release the manual a little early so we can start studying up on her? Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk 2
  16. This add-on looks so amazing I've come up with a word for it. Saabulescent. Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk 2
  17. Amazing! Any word on pricing (not that I care, LOL)? Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk 2
  18. ♫♫♫ You're up all night to get luuucky ♫♫♫ Hahaha Can't wait for the Saab!!! Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk 2
  19. Hello, I was wondering if it would be possible to increase the external windshield shine effects on the CRJ? It almost looks like the pilots are sitting out in the open. lol Is this something I can do on my own via texture editing or would I need to request something like this to the developer? Thanks for your time and a GREAT add-on!!!
  20. Ahh, ok. I think I saw it moved in that lighting video that came out a while back. I keep forgetting that video is somewhat dated now. lol
  21. I seem to be having an issue 1. The "DSLP" knob on the pilot's side (Display Lighting Control Knob) does not rotate at all (I purhcased the CRJ at version 1.2, IIRC, and it did not work then either). Any ideas? Thanks!
  22. I just picked up the CRj and it's awesome! I did notice an issue though. The center panel (by the pilots right knee. lol), has gaps around some of the switches where the terrain below the aircraft is visible (sort of like holes in the virtual cockpit). I am not sure if this has already been reported or not, but it's pretty noticable so I thought I would mention it. Thanks for your time! Regards, Shane
  23. Any machine that runs FSX at at that res with 20fps lol
  24. Thanks for publishing such great add-ons! Between this new Corvallis and the MU-2, I am having a great time with X-Plane. Definitely money well spent!
  25. I just picked up the new Corvalis and love it! I am relatively new to X-Plane, and it's add-ons like this that really increase my interest. My first flight was a sort of cross-country test run over the high-desert. She flew great, up until I ran out of fuel because I dozed off at my computer (again!). Had to dead-stick my new Corvalis at a hole-in-the-wall desert strip. Now it's gonna need a wash! ;D Thanks for the great aircraft, I see many Corvalis flights in my future!! ------------------- Shane
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