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  1. UPDATE: Ignore this posting, although it could help other too. I had besides SMP and RWC also installed the XP NOAA script, and the Ventura Sky lua script. All these additional add-ons don't allow me to do anything thing anymore in the XP default weather tab. After I removed the Pythonscript and lua file from Ventura Sky, issue was solved. Sorry for the trouble. I've got a problem since i've installed RWC in combination with SMP 4.0.1. For a specific reason I have set the RWC to "Never" and was hoping that I would adjust the X-Plane 10 default weather, but for some reason I can't control the X-Plane default weather anymore. Uninstalling RWC isn't an option, but what to do. I thought that when I've disabled or set RCW to "Never" I could control XP weather. What do I do wrong? Greetings, Angelique
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