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Everything posted by manguras

  1. Request Livery of P4-BFM
  2. The drivers are updated. I see are not X-aviation planes only issue. Have the same problem with inisimulations planes thanks @Cameron
  3. Hi Team I have this graphic issue when setup x-plane graphics using Vulkan. Someone can help? system: AMD RX550 4GB VRAM, Ryzen7, 32GB RAM. Log.txt
  4. Will try again then leave my comment
  5. Anyone has this issue? I was flying from LDSP to LIPX and fmc look like flying reverse route. the first waypoint on SID still on top but actf continue flying the route.. Route: LDSP TORPO 7D M730 LIKNO Q95 BOA 3J LIPX Acft dont leave cruise Altitude on TOD.. Im on XP11.50b10 with FlyWithLua 2.7.11 NG and Speedy copilot V6 WhatsApp_Video_2020-06-17_at_14_23_17.mp4
  6. @XPJavelin I solved the problem ... I had Fly with Lua 2.7.10 NG instead of 2.7.11 NG Now, it's okay. Thanks
  7. maybe the problem is the XP11.31
  8. Hi @XPJavelin Testing the new SC.5 I had this issue and Lua stop to work. Any ideia? I am on xp11.31r1, IXEG 1.21 and FlyWithLua NG
  9. Well done. Thanks @XPJavelin
  10. I had operate torque in normal range... even if I had over torque the engine don t shutdown via the condition, thrust lever!! I did restart the engine and continue flying. I will observe if happen again I will send the Log.txt file
  11. For the first time I had engine shutdown in flight during climbing... v1.0.7
  12. Same happen with me..! Log.txt
  13. Is it possible for anyone to recreate the My Indo livery?
  14. HI In Saab menu, choise preference you need check the box scholl whell zoom. I have also problem on course vor2 and the AP not work in xp 11.10b8.
  15. Thanks Man
  16. Try to fly From LJPZ to LGSK use the route: BUSET UL607 PETAK UM22 DOBARATS RNAV BITLA UN137 SKP I know LJPZ is too small for operate this bird but just try! I use ZFW: 90.0 lbs Fuel: 15.300 lbs and Flaps 5 for takeoff
  17. indeed
  18. I'm really hope that IXEG make improvement on VNAV in the next update. I was flying to LGSK when plane early start descent accordingly with FMC calculation.. through the clouds I did see nothing but I was thinking is too early for descent based on altitude and disance.. the result is there below on pictures...... CFIT
  19. Make sense...
  20. Hi Hammer Go in Preferences in IXEG Menu and uncheck the option Draw Vortices.
  21. Hi guys! Anyone know if these old liveries work good on V1.2 for XP11?
  22. You are right! But was just for fun!
  23. This not an official update for XP11
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