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Everything posted by luckyluca

  1. online multiplayer does not count! We've been waiting 2.5 years for *working* atc ( if you remember if was one of the much anticipated features of xp10 ) At this stage I would be happy to get back the good 'old xp9 atc if it was possible.
  2. I would keep the scripts separate so to maintain a more modular approach
  3. thanks! L
  4. when running your two scripts together (as downloaded from your website) I get a lua message on the top right part of the screen say lua stopped. I haven't had the time to debug it, have you encountered a similar behaviour?
  5. can't spend too much time on this right now, here's a quick screenshot, it looks too cartoony, I know I wonder if the excess of cyan might be caused by the art settings. Anyway between these and the art settings there is a lot of potential! Do feel free to play and improve this, it would be awesome to have a standardized amazing lights/art/water/anything else set of scripts
  6. of the cyan tint? here it is, taken at 25000 feet
  7. Hi Tom, Thanks for your post, they indeed make the sim look more beautiful. I quite like the lights tweak too (by the way what would you recommend doing to make the lights brighter at dusk/daytime too?) Let me contribute by adding a third file to improve water (I found it on another forum, I'm just reposting it) just save it as water.lua set( "sim/private/controls/water/deep1_b", 0.710000 )set( "sim/private/controls/water/deep1_g", 1.040000 )set( "sim/private/controls/water/deep1_r", 0.020000 )set( "sim/private/controls/water/deep2_b", 0.950000 )set( "sim/private/controls/water/deep2_g", 0.113000 )set( "sim/private/controls/water/deep2_r", 0.190000 )One more thing, your tweaks look great at relative low altitudes but the give an unrealistic cyan tint at 10-20k feet, have you considered putting down a few if statements and switch colors base on height? L
  8. SimTiles v1.5.01 released! SimTiles is now 64bit, this should fix the memory issues you've been having. Lots of new features and improvements, most of the routines have been re-written from the ground up, it should now be more reliable, faster and more future proof. Main new features are the 64bit version, useful for the memory intensive new HD v2 meshes, faster performance after a first one off scenery analysis, and above all a nice one click change season for all photosceneries installed in your custom scenery. Important, do not go back to previous versions of simTiles after you run v1.5.01 Please note, due to the limited beta run of v1.5.01, if you encounter any bug don't hesitate to drop us a line, bug fixing is high on our priority list.
  9. Simtiles v1.5.01 released! Lots of new features and improvements, most of the routines have been re-written from the ground up, it should now be more reliable, faster and more future proof. Main new features are the 64bit version, useful for the memory intensive new HD v2 meshes, faster performance after a first one off scenery analysis, and a nice one click change season for all photosceneries installed in your custom scenery. Important, do not go back to previous versions of simTiles after you run v1.5.01 SimTiles v1.5.01 -64 bit version -HD Meshes v2 support -One click change of season for all sceneries installed and in use. -Much faster performance (after a one-off scenery analysis) -Smaller footprint on disk for scenery data -Lots of bug fixes -Better printouts of messages -scenery/tmp folder content obsolete now, automatic removal -automatic update from 1.2 to 1.5 format (simtiles.dat injection and removal and texture_day to texture_winter rename) -fix multiple selections folder list bug -fatal error showing up as dialog box instead of through shell -plus many more small bugs Please note, due to the limited beta run of v1.5.01, if you encounter any bug don't hesitate to drop us a line, bug fixing is high on our priority list.
  10. Thanks for the heads up Cameron. I take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas L
  11. Has the clouds draw distance been improved in v1.2 or in upcoming updates? I was just wondering because the limited clouds draw distance creating a bubble effect is something I noticed since the start and improving this area would definitely help
  12. You have contacted me via email and we've been working together toward a solution for the past week. I have created a beta version for you to try and will create a new one soon to better detect the error you're having with your configuration. I just noticed you posted about this on x-plane.fr, x-plane.org,x-pilot. I believe there is little need to post for additional help on all existing forums As you know you're the only user reporting any problem and unfortunately I cannot reproduce it from my end, making it real difficult to help you. I suppose it has something to do with windows 8. Windows8 whilst currently not supported is high on my to-do list. Meantime I would highly recommend using windows7, it is a much more supported platform for flight simulation at the moment. Regards Luca Author of SimTiles
  13. go with the mu2, the cure given to the mu2 outshines the js32. nowif only i had enough time to enjoy xplane.
  14. it looks great, you need to find now a clever way to extend local weather up to the horizon. if you do that you sorted one of te biggest issues with this sim
  15. Aerosoft Sim news have reviewed SimTiles! Do take a look at their in-depth review here: http://asn.aerosoft.com/?page_id=19006
  16. Bill, thanks for your help and time, it's much appreciated. Javier, thanks for the datarefs, out of curiosity, what is the reason for using custom datarefs for the radio knobs and selectors instead of the default datarefs? Happy 2013
  17. Thanks for releasing the list of custom datarefs for the autopilots/radios. regarding the radio knobs perhaps it's the js32 plugin preventing other inputs from controlling the radio knobs? i sent you a pm
  18. i have the saitek panels too, i just purchased this wonderful aircraft but wasn't aware of the radios/ap behaviour argh:) Javier, this is probably going to be an issue for some people, i think xsaitekpanels, the plugin that allows the panels to run with xplane, supports custom datarefs already, perhaps something could be done easier than we think. A good starting point would be talking to sparker and taking a look at his wonderful xsaitekpanel plugin here ? oh and happy new year to you all! thanks L
  19. I couldn't resist and got hold of the jetstream will probably use my two xbox wireless controllers until I can get hold of a proper desk and flightsim hardware
  20. Thank you all for the great feedback, believe me I'm struggling as I'd love to buy it but I realistically won't have access to a desk to restore my flight sim gear for at least 6 months and am currently stuck to my laptop. All my nice saitek and thrustmaster gear is in storage and awaiting for the right time to move to a bigger flat... argh! :-) BTW Have a Merry Christmas L
  21. Hi Javier, I haven't purchased the jetstream32 yet ( I'm contemplating whether to do despite not having space for a desk and all my equipment in storage right now) and was wondering what this feature actually means. I was going through the manual and if I have understood correctly does it mean that if I quit x-plane with the jetstream32 loaded the next time I load x-plane I would have all the joystick axis assignments lost? Also, whilst on the subject, is the fuel_cutoff_axis you recommend not to map to the joystick the more commonly called mixture_axis? would it be fine to have the mixture_axis mapped? Thanks and Merry Christmas L
  22. thanks and good luck, quick question, is the update going to be free for existing customers? i was thinking it would be handy for potential customers in relation to the blackfriday sale thanks L
  23. Thanks fo the tip, i somehow missed that! L
  24. Hello, Just a heads up, the javelin seems to make xp10 crash to desktop, would you by any chance consider updating it? :-) Cheers L
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