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  1. thanks Cameron, and thanks Barcelona center (vatsim) who told me that Regards
  2. Hello, I am flying on vatsim My FL is set at 390 and atc see me on his scop at 405. An idea ? Regards
  3. Strange forum here Worst way to support ever seen you are right cheetha349 http://forums.x-pilot.com/topic/6238-silverlining-crashing-my-flights/page-9 i don t need more tests I go to fly others products FF JAR FJSIM PMDG F1 (i fly also fsx or fs9)
  4. Hi, I don t use google translate. It s me only me. Initially i set my vram to 16 go instead of 8go next i will extend my RAM to 16go. of course i don t run plugins or addons all together Kind regards
  5. sam13

    Sound conflict

    Hi Just for information i have no knobs sounds when groundhandling (last A332 JAR pluggin) is in my pluggin file. My PC windows 7 64 xp10.36. Kind regards
  6. thanks for awnsers. i set my vram to 16 go before upgrading my ram up to 16go too. i continue to test but only with two plugins or addons (plane and w2xp or photoscenery) i will tell you result kind regards
  7. Thanks Cameron, lastest drivers, gpu is ok so vram : what s about vram amont ? For now is 8GO. Kind regards
  8. I use to run xpx (10.36) with plugins : uhd mesh v3, w2xp, some photosceneries, xnoaa, some airport and xsb (vatsim). all together or with only one of their with a plane like Saab 340, Beech 1900 CAR, JAR (A332) for exemple. All settings of skymaxx are at lower positions. yesterday i tried to fly LFML LIMC fith times, i only succed one after uninstall skymaxx Skymaxx can t work with those plugins xpx stops to run (black screen), or some diamond with colors like rainbow. My PC is not bad : i7 3.4, 8GO RAM, GTX760, SSD. So sadly i decide to uninstall skymaxx. i wait for next version which il hope will be compatible with my plugins (or some of them) best regards
  9. my remark concerns video of this topic i have no problem with power back, idem with fms or gps
  10. yes, that's video shows. that's the topic for your second part, i know xpilot saab 340. i enjoy flying with but it is out of this topic
  11. Video shows honeywell fms Can you recognize it ?
  12. Fine ! honeywell fms isn't it ?
  13. ok, GTX 760 353.06 drivers
  14. ok during flight on ivao after 1 h 30 screen became black but xpx doesnt shut down, just blocked sometimes, very few, i can see that cpu or gpu values were very high. after screen became black xpx was blocked and i closed it kind regard
  15. Hi, what's about this part of log ? SkyMaxx Pro: Location set to lat 31.996005 lon -4.301551 alt 6445.588541 Clean exit from threads. Gizmo64: Plugin Disable.. Gizmo64: Destroying Mouse Trap.. Gizmo64: UnRegister key sniffer.. Gizmo64: UnRegister Callbacks.. Gizmo64: gizmo_Stop Gizmo64: Releasing FBO:( fbo:18, depth:4 ); Gizmo64: Releasing FBO:( fbo:31, depth:5 ); Gizmo64: Releasing FBO:( fbo:32, depth:8 ); Gizmo64: Releasing FBO:( fbo:33, depth:9 ); Gizmo64: Releasing FBO:( fbo:34, depth:10 ); Gizmo64: Releasing FBO:( fbo:35, depth:11 ); Gizmo64: Releasing FBO:( fbo:36, depth:12 ); Gizmo64: Shutting down Lua VM Gizmo64: Releasing X-Plane overrides: sim/operation/override/* Gizmo64: Killing curl.. Gizmo64: Killing mapping.. Gizmo64: Killing particles.. Gizmo64: Thread sleep.. Gizmo64: curl_global_cleanup.. Gizmo64: Plugin Disabled. SkyMaxx Pro: SilverLining deleted. Gizmo64: XPluginStop() complete. i understand that gizmo stop but xpx also stops Any idea ? Kind regard
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