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Posts posted by pcartier1960

  1. 6 hours ago, leinsters said:

    Thanks for sharing your deeply knowledgeable insight Oliver, Not being a corporate pilot, I didn't realize that in the real thing the pilot had to get out of his seat, head over to the touch screen panel above the sink, press an announcement button, and then head back to his seat each time. But now I know  ;-)

    Now this made me laugh! made my day. :) 

    • Like 1
  2. 8 hours ago, JosephHaze said:

    Nothing anyone has suggested has worked for me, thanks for trying to help. I wish a DEVELOPER OF THIS AIRCRAFT would actually respond to this thread and try to help me out...I understand it is the weekend, but it is very  frustrating when  there is a bug that I have tested to try to get around a million different ways and still have nothing. It also is very sad to see  only the community trying to help each other out on this and  no devs have tried helping.

    Try this, 

    To properly set the parking brake I have to push and hold the "B" key, and then push and release the "V" key, then release the "B" key.

  3. I also have the same issue, rudder pedals work fine, but the wheel is locked like the image above from the previous poster(chocks are removed) so now I cant taxi, the nose wheel will not move at all. Anyone else have this problem?

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