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  1. I was towing on concrete
  2. I had the same issue tonight. Would it still tow with snow on the ground?
  3. That’s what I thought too so I disconnected my joystick and it was still happening. I’ll double check to make sure I don’t have trim assigned to my throttle and get back to you guys. I’ve also reverted back to 11.51R2 so if that resolves it then it’s could be a Beta issue. I know you guys don’t support Beta versions of X-Plane so I’ll stay at 11.50R2 for now
  4. See bullet #5 I checked all of that and even replaced it anyway still is happening
  5. When to start up a flight and the Trim was stuck in the full nose down position. Things I already tried. (Using Xplane 11.51B2) 1) CB panel checked all breakers in 2) autopilot confirmed off (also power cycled the autopilot several times 3) isolated my joystick by unplugging 4) full shut down and restart of sim 5) checked MX manager all green. Still paid the $7,500 to change out the elevator linkage the only thing that seems to fix it. Is popping the AP Servo CB, but then i don’t have autopilot. IMG_4831.MOV
  6. PS: Keep putting out quality pay ware guys! As a real life corporate pilot I’m very interested in the Challenger 600. also if you guys did a study level Lear 60 or 75 that would be aweeeesome
  7. This! X Plane is an amazing simulator and I honestly plan on running both. People don’t realize that wishing Xplane would die in favor of msfs 2020 is like Goran said counter-productive. healthy competition and options is good for our hobby.
  8. If it’s a very high altitude airport take the pressure controller from auto and set it to max differential. It will hold vessel pressure until you land at that point a weight on wheels squat switch should open the OFV and depressurize the airplane
  9. hiddenace

    Fsx 2020

    I honestly will keep X plane installed just to fly the TBM it’s my favorite real world GA plane and hands down the best add on on the market. I just bought it 4 days ago for $70 and I just dropped $3,000 On a FS2020 PC IMHO dollars well spent. I Don’t regret my purchase at all I think there is plenty of market share available for all 3 simulators I’d easily buy the TBM again and again.
  10. I ended up uninstalling and reinstalling the A/C and that fixed it
  11. 2020-08-07 15:33:19 TBM900[chart_prov_common.c:177]: Error downloading chart index https://www.autorouter.aero/webdav/: HTTP error 401 2020-08-07 15:33:25 TBM900[except.c:207]: Caught EXCEPTION_IN_PAGE_ERROR This is the Last entry in my Log.txt file
  12. @Goran there wasn’t any cas messages it was just literally a beeping noise no other way to describe it. I’ll try to snap a video of it
  13. Did a quick flight from KAPA- KICT read the manual while I was enroute . (Just like buying a car)I landed safely didn’t break anything. This morning I went out to the plane to hook up the GPU and play around in the avionics menus, however when I raised the crash bar I get this god awful beeping noise. All switch positions seem normal. any help?
  14. http://developer.x-plane.com/2013/02/10-20-we-have-a-release-candidate/ "I have a set of bug reports relating to the airplane exterior lighting; I hope to get those fixed in a 10.21 build (as well as whatever one bug gets reported the day after 10.20 goes final)." -by Ben Supnik Well i got my answer i knew i wasn't going crazy! thank you very much
  15. Thats what i'm saying chris pull up you x-plane load the default C90 and see for yourself it had it before Here is a video i made a few months ago fast forward to 4:36 I'm not going crazy here lol. this is the same exact C90 the default one no plugins added
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