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Everything posted by Airbus

  1. Soon. I still have to finish off the last half of the gauge animations and the night lighting. After that ill be adding the fun stuff! Yah Crash its not the best looking prop out there. I wouldn't call it pretty; the JetPROP nose gives it more of a snarly, snouting, hoooverin badd assed look! It can sure HAULASS! I appreciate the feed back ill post some updated pictures soon.
  2. Javier I hope you remembered the pushback pushers!
  3. Here is what the panel currently looks like. The textures are basic for the moment, they will be ripped out and painted again soon.
  4. I cant stand PMDG they paint on to many things, It drives me up the wall. Goran, Cameron, Theo and I think Tom has heard my crazed rants about PMDG! ;D Is it me or dose it look like the yoke handels are made for Chewbacca sized hands?
  5. Landing gear work and a nose lift. So far the major parts of the fuselage are done(besides texture work). I have the landing gear working. Special thanks to Tom for helping me realize the silly mistake I was making! The interior will be in the next batch of screenshots.
  6. I’ve run across fatal errors with Blender, some how these errors delete random objects from my blend file. Not to long ago the errors managed to delete just about half of my rigged animations and nearly my entire panel. This will be the fifth time I spotted it the first two times were to late. I'm just about had it with blender, it’s so bad I’m itching to drop 900$ on a new 3d program. I know this has happened to Goran twice, but for some reason it’s more frequent on my side. It’s happened twice in a DAY. If anyone has any insight on what the hell these errors are and how to put an end to them Has anyone experienced these errors, has anyone resolved the errors? I can’t keep working constantly replacing parts over and over. It defeats the purpose of the word completion! Here is a screenshot of one error. I cant remember the other error but the command dialog filled with _____deleted. Thats all I remember was DELETED seriously WTF!
  7. http://four-forces.com I have a website for the Malibu now, its still under construction.
  8. Here is a new plane under development. Its based off of a 1980s Piper Malibu retrofitted with a P&W PT6A-35 engine by Jetprop. Right now the plane is in the paint shop after that the panel will be animated after painting. The panel is basic right now the avionics upgrades aren't concrete at the moment, I'm still figuring out what to add into the panel. If anyone out there has any experience with the Piper Malibu series please drop me a line!
  9. ??? What the devil is going on with image shack. Its driving me crazy.!
  10. Kinda looks like the trick I use! ;D
  11. I quit using the Boolean tool in Blender, at least for aircraft. I remember 3DsMax did a better job with Booleans. Here is another tutorial on windows. I personally don't like cutting windows out on large aircraft, especially when airlines have their own specifications. Regional aircraft are fine. Cutting windows on long haul monsters could make trouble for painters. http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=38874&pid=436181&st=0&#entry436181 The nose looks nice for now, what ever you do don't cut out the cockpit windows. I can see a problem you will face if you decide to knife or Boolean those.
  12. I forgot how you knew my name for a second. Yea im starting to hate building wing boxes!
  13. :) I think I have you beat. I spent 4 hours building a 787 wing box! I rebuilt it 3 times before it started looking anywhere close to the real thing. To add insult to injury Boeing is rebuilding their wing box! :-\
  14. Starting over. Starting over is what you need to do in order to learn how to build in 3d programs. I bet Pixar and Dreamworks never nail it the first time around. I remodeled that Jetstream 4 times, and I'm still finding parts that need to be rebuilt or restart. Its just a part of the game.
  15. You should sharpen some of the edges, they look a little to mushy.
  16. You sould try a place here in St.Louis called IMOS its the best in town. Try using Flickr for images, and search for the 170 also.
  17. I always have fun with landing gears, so many little parts to add here and there.
  18. Indi that was a great laugh!
  19. I got back into this after loosing my job, most of my weekends and nights are spent in Blender. You look to be getting use to it. Only if we were paid by the hour for using Blender! $$$$$ ca ching?** wish**. Hobbies are time wasters. Blender fights boredom, I'm sitting here now plugging away at dials, spinners, dodads, and switches.
  20. Your path files must be incorrect. Re install Blender and see what happens.
  21. Its usually a good idea to build the wing box within the fuselage instead of having two separate parts. It will save more time when it comes to uv mapping and painting.
  22. Did you open up any other images as a background test. Try relocating the images, or saving them as jepgs.
  23. You sure you checked the opacity settings?
  24. I started a detailed model the engine in blender exporting it to Plane maker. I would then model the plane maker model around the exported object. But you have to get the correct radius of the engine in plane maker first. Start the radius in plane maker export the engine open it up in blender adjust the blender model to the exported PM engine exprt. to PM and move it to the correct location. Works well as an additional guide to 3views in plane maker.
  25. Do you have your fuselage radius at the proper width? Sometimes you have to add a little more width to work with. Lets say the fuselage has a radius of 6 feet, you can add another foot for working room. After you are finished you can go back to 6 feet. Thats how I get around that problem in plane maker.
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