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Everything posted by slai

  1. Oops. Perhaps my followup innuendo was a bit too obtuse . . .
  2. Never neglect preflight and she will be good to you Try not to make it a two minute flight
  3. I've seen flashing clouds due to conflicting LUA scripts trying to tweek the cloud lighting. Try disabling LUA from the plugin menu.
  4. I highly recommend a brand new install for the beta. Start with just your favorite aircraft and no plugins. Good opportunity to reevaluate all your addons. So far found the new ground textures to be really good and I now prefer them over current 3rd party replacements. The color transition to the high rez orbit textures is much improved which should allow for more "haze" effects to be applied without causing color artifacts. (I could swear there is more visible haze now). The cloud textures are nice although I really need to see more in varied conditions. Oh yes, and no stutters when clouds are redrawn.
  5. Looks very promising. Has me curious about a few things: Lens flare is an interesting idea. Would it be possible to reference some sort of views dataref so that the effect only shows from an internal view? What criteria would you use to generate towering clouds (cloud layer thickness or clouds at multiple layers or random)? Are the color variations in the clouds part of the shader tweaks or MAXX FX?
  6. "Soarin Wyoming" Location: The Grand Tetons Addons: SkyMaxx Pro, Real Terra Haze, HD Mesh V2, g2xpl
  7. Attached is a modified set_skys() that you can replace in any version of Real Terra Haze. The original author is open to published modifications. It applies a lighter touch that prevents oversaturation at higher altitudes. Uses simple linear transition from blue cast at high sun angles to yellow and then finally to magenta. Now need to play with the SkyMaxx settings after these modifications. Previous picture had reflections off. set_skys.txt
  8. The Terra Haze script has a great function for displaying the settings so I've been making tweaks then disable/enable FlyWithLua plugin to immediately see the effects. The original script is geared to low level flight and I'm making tweaks for a nice transition to higher altitudes. Working really well with SkyMaxxPro. The combined atmospheric scattering effects makes the distant blurries not so bad.
  9. Thanks Tom for pointing out default-turbidity which I have now set to 1.1 (gives me just enough atmospheric haze without the grey out in the distance). The just released Real Terra Haze 1.2 (atmos and water) has the blues under control at low and high altitudes. There is even a toggle to reduce the blues even further. These 2 modifications combined have brought magic to the sky at all phases of flight and at all times of day. PS: As an aside, I have also noticed that the problem of overly blue clouds in overcast conditions with SkyMaxx has gone away as well.
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