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Everything posted by onetwothreegone

  1. Sweet, most payware planes don't even have that...
  2. How did it get there? Maybe something with Aerosoft?
  3. Haven't been on X-Pilot in a while, looks like I missed a lot... What liveries are planned? I'm drooling just looking at the screenshots.
  4. I already have flash installed. The site works fine on the desktop version of Internet Explorer. I would use the desktop version, but it is annoying to have to switch back and forth all the time.
  5. The X-Aviation site does not work properly on Windows 8. The pop-up that shows screenshots of the aircraft/scenery does not work at all. On the side panel with the links to your Facebook, Twitter, etc.; you can't click on the e-mail button because the Internet Explorer back button is in the way. More and more people will be getting Windows 8, so I think this needs to be changed soon. From, Philip
  6. Alright, I bought it. Probably the best 20 dollars I have spent in a long time. Saitek panels do work fine with the plane. You do have to disable the engine start button on one of the panels through to get the bleed air system to work. No big deal. Just thought I would write this if someone else with the panels was wondering if the panels work with the plane.
  7. I bought a payware plane at the .org store a few weeks ago. I like the plane, but the plane was not protected in anyway, shape, or form. Any ten year old could have uploaded the plane to a torrent. A serial code system did not exists on that file. I also believe that some of the files on your store do have a serial system already? I don't know for sure how hard it is to crack one of those right now. But if those serial code systems work, then it should not be to hard to make a demo mode right? Maybe you can have a online plane model viewer, where you can walk around and inside the model online. The model viewer is online so you should'nt be able to crack it without a lot of work. In the online model viewer you could also look at the different liveries. You could make the model viewer in say Unity3d which is a free 3d game programming software, it can also do online things.
  8. Should payware planes have demo modes? I saw this on X-Plane.org and wanted to know what you guys think. The planes could have a serial code system. I think the Boeing 777 has this along with others. If you don't have a serial code you might be locked into say a 10 minute demo mode. In the demo mode after 10 minutes you can't fly anymore. The plane would also start up with the engine running so we can fly it around for 10 minutes to try out the plane and not spend 10 minutes finding out how to turn it on. I think you could get a lot more buyers this way.
  9. Yeah, I also think that it was taken down. I can't seem to view the file.
  10. Thinking of maybe getting this one sometime, how in depth are the systems? If any of you know, does it work with the Saitek panels? I can't decide if I should get the E-190 or this one. Any comments? I would like to know exactly what I am buying and if it is worth the 20 bucks.
  11. Will the 787 have fly-by-wire or a custom FMC? Looks great by the way. Can't wait to fly her around.
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