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  1. natman22

    1.1.6 CTD

    Never mind…. I had not updated the 900 in the current copy of XP 11.3x, so I just copied the folder from that version over the updated 900 and everything seems to be ok. I'll actually update the 900 in 11.3x current version to see how it flies. Thanks again for your help.
  2. natman22

    1.1.6 CTD

    I was afraid you were going to suggest that! Is there any way I can revert to the previous version TBM 900? I fly VR exclusively and prefer Flyinside over native X-plane vr for several reasons. I actually do have a current XP 11.3x version installed just to test and compare the two version and until native looks and performs as good to me as it does with Flyinside , I choose to stay with the 11.2X version of X-Plane. Fly inside is not compatible with 11.3x because as I understand it, XP developers will not allow other dev's such as FI access to their shaders . The TBM has become my favorite plane and the thought of not being able to enjoy it anymore is tragic!
  3. natman22

    1.1.6 CTD

    Tried both suggestions and still getting CTD when trying to open a flight. Attached new log. Thanks again! Log.txt
  4. natman22

    1.1.6 CTD

    Thanks, Ill give it a shot!
  5. natman22

    1.1.6 CTD

    Just installed the 1.1.6 update and got a CTD when trying to start a flight. I ran the uninstaller and re-installed. Same result .I've been flying the earlier versions with no problem. attached log. Thanks for your help! Log.txt
  6. I had a problem extracting the installer but it worked on the third or fourth try.
  7. Hey Ray, did you try to revert back to the last X-plane 11.2x release prior to the 11.3 beta? Val, I prefer FI over Native for the ability to resize the cockpits so they seem more life -size. The Carenado PC12 and a couple of others seem just a bit small and the IXEG 737 seems a bit large to me without the minor adjustments. I also like the ability to render the X-plane resolution at 4K by editing the FI preferences or ini file. I believe the Oculus displays native resolution is closer 720 but what I am seeing in the headset using FI just seems sharper to me than with Native X-plane. I’ve tried Native VR off and on and to me the Native image just does not look as “solid” to me. I know these are very subjective reasons and it could just be my natural bias of preferring what I have become acoustomed to. I believe I read a post where someone was saying that you had to completely uninstall Flyinside as opposed to just removing it from the plugins folder before Native would look and perform as it should. Perhaps I should give this s try to be fair. I would certainly prefer to use Native if there was a way to adjust the image resolution rendering and the “world” scale.
  8. Ok, so I disabled the “heat effect’, “ice and Rain” and the ‘“Reflections” visual effects from the Hot Start TBM 900 tab on the drop down X-Plane Plug-Ins menu and all of the visual artifacts that were appearing in the right eyepiece are no longer there! I believe I think I might have also noticed a 5 frame/sec increase in performance! It would be nice to be able to add these effects back in without the artifacts at some point but for now I am just so happy to be able to enjoy this outstanding airplane without the annoying distractions I’ll take what I can get! In my opinion this airplane is already a new benchmark for X-plane and will only get better as they continue to sort out the squawks.
  9. Go it! Thanks much.
  10. Hi Val, where is the menu option to turn off the visual effects? I was not aware these were available! I’ll give this a try this evening and report back. Thanks for the suggestion.
  11. Thanks Ray, I am curious if you have the new Carenado Citation 550 II that was released last week and if so, are you having any issues with it using FI? I got it and it is probably the first.plane I have ever bought from them that had a squawk for me right out of the box. Actually two squawks but I think they are related. I put in a support ticket to Carenado and they responded the next day saying they couldn’t replicate the problem. They went on to say that they thought it was probably a FI related problem and that they could only provide support for Native X-plane VR issues. I totally understand them taking the position of not committing to supporting every possible issue that might be caused by a 3rd party plug in but I am curious to know if it is a widespread problem with FI users or something else. So far no one else seems to be having the problems. The first problem is that both sets of primary Flight displays and all radios remain cold and dark while the rest of the cockpit looks and works as it should using Flyinside VR. You can click on the PFD and the functioning pop-up window of that instrument will display on the desktop monitor ( outside of the VR headset) as it should while the In-cockpit VR PFD display stays dark. What’s really strange about it is that I am also using the RealityXP GTN 750 touchscreen GPS plug-in ( because it is by far the easiest gps/nav unit to program and operate with the VR headset on that I have found ). The GTN works perfectly in the Citation 550 while using Flyinside VR but the primary flight displays stays black. So... problem #2: is when I switch over to fly the 550 using X-plane Native VR, the PFD’s work great but now the Garmin GTN display in the cockpit will not respond to mouse cursor inputs. You can see the image of the GTN display in the panel but it almost looks “grayed out”, like it has that thin plastic protective film over it that you would peel off of a new TV screen before you watch it. You CAN run the GTN as a floating window in the VR cockpit and do flight plans etc on the floating dock, but the whole purpose of the Carenado “ RealityXP GTN ready” design is to be able to use the device as a panel mounted device while in VR. I probably ought to head over the the RealityXP forum and see if they are aware of it. Oh well... the Citation 550 II looks fabulous and is a lot of fun to fly if you are looking for a fun challenge. I hope they get the kinks worked out on it and the TBM soon! Nathan
  12. Hey Ray thanks for the heads up on the new X-plane Beta not working with FI. I’ve been bitten by the Beta bug a couple of times and had to wait for the guys at Flyinside to update for compatibility before updating X-plane. I’ve also had to un-check the “Download Betas” box on my X-plane updater page a few times and manually re-update back down to the latest pre-beta version of X-plane that worked with FI. I too still prefer FI over Native VR for the ability to access the menu in VR with FI but I also like the ability to re-size the “ world” so the cockpit of the Carenado PC-12 and a few other of my favorite airplanes look more real-life accurate. It’s also nice to be able to edit the FI preferences/ini file to increase the image resolution a bit to help improve what you see in the Oculus headset. It might just be me but I am using a lot of OrthoXP scenery and to my eyes the scenery image looks better and the cockpit detail seems a little easier to read when using FI. Unfortunately I have found that there are some product that just will not play well together. I and a few others have found that using the Aerobask 550NG with FI will cause an X-plane CTD a few seconds after loading every time. The 550NG seems to work fine in Native VR. I have several other Aerobask planes and they all work fine with FI. Aerobask support couldn’t figure it out and I don’t think FI was able to explain it either. I just updated FI to 1.96 so I suppose I should check to see if that issue was fixed. Now that Flyinside has released their own flight simulator I will be curious to see how much time and attention they devote to keeping the FI “plug-in” updated so that it continues to work with X-plane and the other flight sims as they improve. In the meantime I sure hope the folks at Hotstart will take a look to to see if the issues we FI users are seeing in the TBM are something that they can address. If it’s not then we will just have to hope it is something that gets fixed in the next FI update. ‘Regards, Nathan
  13. I am also seeing these artifacts and only in the right eyepiece. Here is what I am experiencing. The heat bloom from both stacks seem to flow through the cockpit when the engine is running, distorting a portion of the pilots PFD and the “reflection’” effect appears mostly when looking out through the windows. It you change the view to outside the cockpit while in flight the reflection artifacts are not visable. They seem to be some kind of window magnification distortions. They also usually start after a couple of minutes of flight while climbing out and they seem to also go away when on approach near pattern altitude. These issues are only happening when using Flyinside with the Hotstart TBM but as others have noted no other aircraft are having this issue with FI. I am using Flyinside 1.96, Oculus Rift, GTX 1070, i7 4700. I posted this on another thread here with my log file for anyone who wants to take a look.
  14. I've notice a peculiar visual issue that starts when climbing through 5,300 feet and it goes away when descending through the same. it's like flipping a switch. Is there something written in the code that is supposed to change the at this altitude that needs to be looked at? This only happens when I am using Flyinside. It appears to be some kind of magnified reflection appearing only in the windows when looking around in the cockpit. It only appears in the right eyepiece. You can also see the heat bloom from the engine exhaust stacks at all times from inside the cockpit as well, again only in the right eyepiece. From outside the airplane, everything appears as it should. Thanks
  15. First, I love this plane! The level of detail is excellent! I can tell a lot of work has gone into it! I have been flying X-Plane 11 in VR exclusively now for some time using Oculus and Fly-Inside. With the TBM 900 I am seeing a couple of interesting visual artifacts that are a bit difficult to describe. They only appear when inside the cockpit and have been present from the initial release through the current ver. 1.05. The first "effect" that is present all the time when the engine is running is the "heat bloom" coming from the stacks on each side of the engine. The exhaust heat effects look normal when viewed from outside the plane but, they are also visible from inside the cockpit as though the walls of the aircraft were transparent, (they aren't) and you are seeing thru to the outside of the plane, or it looks like the heat effect is flowing by you on the inside. Also they only appear in the right eyepiece. There is also what I can only describe as an " extreme magnification" of the environment outside of the airplane appearing only through the aircraft windows and again only in the right eyepiece. It appears something like there is a magnification power assigned to each window in the plane. When looking up, forward at the panel or down in the cockpit, everything looks normal. It's as though there is some special visual effect assigned to the transparency properties of the windows and front windshields. In the left eyepiece, there is sometimes a slight similar transparency effect that only appears in the inner 1/3 field of view. What is really strange is that none of these artifacts ( other than the constant exhaust heat plume effect) show up until climbing through 8000-10000 ft msl. Likewise, they disappear when descending below these altitudes and the view from outside the aircraft is completely normal at any altitude. The image magnification/transparency artifact is also visible on my main computer monitor on the right, when I take the VR headset off. I am not seeing anything like this with any other airplanes. I've included my log.txt if anyone is interested in taking a look. Thanks! Log.txt
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