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    Runcorn UK

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  1. NeoPyro I agree, setup can have a dramatic effect. I replaced my Saitek rudder pedals with MFG Crosswinds. The improvement was very noticable, they are very precise and I find the TBM works great. Hehe unless you try it on the beta.......
  2. Guys, Whilst I can hsrdly believe i am writing this, as all my other aircraft are set to start running ready for takeoff on a runway. I have to disagree. I found it frustrating at first but i have really got into the start and shutdown routines. If there had been buttons i would always have used them, and missed out on the enhanced immersion which start up etc brings. My vote would be leave it as it is.
  3. Guys, If you have this problem: Unable to download component TBM 900: File not found" You should download the installer again from your account page. I did and it works now.
  4. Hi Guys, I have tried the update a few times over he last hour. In my case I am getting the error message: "Unable to download component TBM 900: File not found" CC
  5. Yes these large groupings are/were a problem around the metropolis that is Runcorn. I have put some serious time into this lately but have concentrated on areas more towards Warrington, and the M56 corridor where the fields are absent. But it really needs more people to update the OSM data. CC
  6. yes I did thanks and it loaded ok
  7. This occurs very near the end of this particular one. It says component version does not match, tried retry but no joy. pressed ignore CC
  8. Cameron, Thanks for the fast response CC
  9. Hi Guys, I cannot get the download to work as the link is grey. I have checked my other purchase - DC3 and that link works, so it would appear to be on your side. I am in the UK if that helps..... It shows I have three downloads remaining.......... CC
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