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Everything posted by Michael_Chang

  1. did some long range flights on the 787, max efficiency config and an 8200 nm flight from changi to toronto
  2. you may be right, http://www.wired.com/autopia/wp-content/gallery/787-cockpit/ana787cockpit13.jpg i may have the throttles a bit too large, scaling them down
  3. the grey line is where the radome and the nose cone meet, it is there, however we are workign on making it look more realistic. if you look here, the nose isn't actualyl as smooth as people think, there are clear lines and dents around the nose and windshield. thanks for the kind words and advice, we are going to make things better
  4. took the 787 out for some long range testing today, a 13 hour flight from london to singapore just finished, a flight from singapore to toronto is scheduled. excuse the livery change in the middle
  5. it's not that i'm asking you to create it for me, i would like to learn! although i can't access the link for obvious reasons
  6. um okay... never mind then, i'll go ask someone else
  7. but if you've managed to do it, why not share? it's obvious that if we managed to bring this into x-plane that the system would be a lot nicer
  8. like, the fairing that joins the wing and fuselage, the bulge
  9. well dan used this object design to make it happen, his chrome engine rims rotate with the pitch of the plane so that it looks like the reflections, ramzzess's 777 uses a cockpit object htat moves back and forth to simulate reflections, si it's actually object based, not texture based
  10. is the wingbox actually attached to the fuselage? or is it a separate body?
  11. So I don't know whether or not this exists yet, but does anyone know how to create chrome/metallic dynamic reflections for aircrafts? i know ramzzess and danklau have done it, but after investigating with both of them, it turns out they can't be done for big parts like wings and fuselage. does anyone know a system that works with fuselage parts that will create dynamic reflections that are clear and sharp?
  12. yeah, the team recognizes that the wingflex rate of aircrafts is quadratic, not linear, so we're working on tuning that out properly
  13. however the flex is quite sensetive, so we're tuning it a little near the higher reaches of the plane's pitch
  14. i was running a pretty steep climb during the video, so it is pretty normal, you'd probably be flying at around 10 degrees pitch during takeoff, i was flying almost 45
  15. if pam were on board, we all know what she'd be doing; and touch trolley, and run back to the galley, and touch galley, and run back to the trolley etc etc etc
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ydn9O4vA-YQ&feature=g-upl Pan Am 787 is being done, just because i love them <3
  17. well off the top of my head, obviously there are quite a few good ones, like the Antonov, and anything by Felis. IDK and for certain areas, they're unbeatable, but i will try my best
  18. updated the cabin design again, to incorporate more arching surfaces on the door area
  19. dude, you used the wrong plane, this should be the AWL model, not the BWL
  20. Here's a new shot of the ANA 787 interior WE added some more curving panels and accurate seats Also attached, some shots of the Basic FMS that will be featured in the first release. The Advanced and fully configured FMS will be released after the 787 plugin is finished.
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