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Everything posted by Michael_Chang

  1. I disagree eaglewing, given the performance of cars like the Tesla model S, I think that the use of non-electric, gas-free modes of transport could become a reality in the near future, and by near, i mean when I'm in a wheel chair... Naturally it would be met with a lot of resistance from Oil producers, but I think it's a doable build, assuming the tech is tested appropriately first.
  2. secretly re-installing XP9 on a separate hard disk, praying that it works this time

    1. TheSlasher


      why are you secretly installingXP9?

    2. Michael_Chang


      because my parents took away my x-plane last time when i installed it in my mum's computer, so now, i'm not taking any chances and am secretly saving demo versions of XP9 and 10 in 5 separate drives

  3. If you had to choose one. Which would it be? the Aventador? or the Continental GT?
  4. Aircraft was a crappy conversion of the a310 mixed with a poorly modelled Riviere flight model, both parties approved of the conversion but it got taken down when I got banned their for an unrelated aircraft. I no longer have the plane but I could probably re-create because I still have permissions.
  5. Christ is this still seriously a thing??? I've been gone from this scene for like the last SIX MONTHS and we're still dealing with him?
  6. Bentley Mulsanne, named after a straight in the Le Mans raceway where the drivers reach their highest speeds, kinda cheeky name for a car that is as huge as the Mulsanne
  7. K so my mom found my X-plane hidden area and I was too stupid to not save the things elswhere, so i lost about 48 hours of work (not TOO much, but still quite a bit) either way, work will be "ON HOLD" (slow work) until winter break, where full work progress will return.
  8. the texturing of the cockpit is 90% complete! that includes all the little text that needs to light up at night. once that's done, I think i'll re-do some parts to minimize object numbers.
  9. Beautiful paint by Benedikt Samson, who's also got some new stuff coming down the pipe
  10. k so i'm leaving for a school camping trip on wednesday, but also right now my mom has her computer on a business trip, so i won't be x-planing until saturday, here's somethign to keep you occupied 'till then
  11. Yes, exciting news, Benedikt Samson has joined our painters team, take a look at his beautifully done Norwiegan 787 (WIP)
  12. the new exterior for the -8 is done, it's mostly just a streamlining of the fuselage to allow for easier painting abilities, on the request of elias portillo (EPORT) untitled1.bmp
  13. first flight since all the bug fixes, my 787's back to normal <3
  14. projects are back on track! The 787 is beign re-born!

  15. welcome to the family! be sure to check out the x-plane aviators page on facebook, it's probably the largest gathering of x-plane flyers, we have payware and freeware devs release project info there before coming here or to x-plane.org. it's also a great place to go to to get advice on purchases or lessons in any development branch (scenery, PM, blender, AC3D etc)
  16. the -9 is being developed right now, main changes include additional gear structures, lengthened fuselage and extended cabin
  17. my new work station has been established! the 787 has some unexpected bugs, mainly some animation mess ups that happened during the transfer, though i don't know how they got this bad.... anyways, those are being fixed, and the cabin is being re-done, as is the exterior fuselage and the cockpit continues to be built. No estimate for time of release.
  18. guess who's back back again michael's back tell a friend PROJECT 787 HAS RESUMED! AS OF NOW, I'M ONLY ON BLENDER AND PHOTOSHOP, SO ALL YOU'LL SEE FROM ME ARE RENDERS, MY FRIENDS EPORT AND MATTHEW WILL WORK IN THE X-PLANE REALM. 787-9 series work has also begun, the third image is of a 787-8 vs the -9
  19. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/video/raw-video-bombardiers-cseries-jet-153000962.html And in this corner, repping the canadian team Bombardier, the C-series!!!! first flight today, quite exciting eh? also, someone jump on this ASAP
  20. I'm back at school yes, but still without a computer i'm really sorry guys, but don't expect much until I excitedly return in an all caps exclamation statement
  21. she's quite well done, this is the kind of quality we need over in x-plane.org and x-pilot!
  22. I'm starting questioning the 8000 downloads with only 200 views
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