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Michael_Chang last won the day on August 13 2018

Michael_Chang had the most liked content!

About Michael_Chang

  • Birthday 05/15/1997

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  • Interests
    Flying, Music, X-plane, 3d modelling, animation

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  1. Can you convert your 767s to x plane 11 please?

  2. When will we see the XP 11 release of the 767 conversion?

  3. you are alive???????????????

  4. I could convert the 767-300ER GE AWL To X-Plane 11

    I will Post It In X-Plane Org

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. joeycao2004


      Use X-Plane 10 DEMO's Planemaker to update it.

    3. Boeing_Fan 787

      Boeing_Fan 787

      I also wanted a free 767 for x-plane 11

    4. Knusperkeks737


      joeycao2004 i tried it but it did not work. Could you help me or could you send me the 767 via Google Drive?

  5. hi!, can you make your Boeing 767's work in X-Plane 11?

    1. lol-11
    2. ikid


      someone is already doing it, if not, i will tell you

  6. Hey Mr. Chang! I was wondering what happened to your freeware 787 project? 

  7. Hey y'all It's been a while since I've lurked on this forum. I must admit it's very flattering to see that my 767-400 is still the top download in the forum haha. I'll cut straight to the chase, as I'm mostly here to tie up loose ends regarding what has happened to my projects and where I am now. After high school, I simply haven't been able to find time to continue developing the 787 project. The short of it is, the project is dead. Source files for the aircraft probably don't even exist anymore, and if they do, I certainly can't find them. I do apologize for being so silent on the issue, I genuinely didn't anticipate how crazy life would become in the years after 11th grade. These days, I don't really fly anymore, though I'm tempted to jump back into it some day. That being said, I still work a lot in the 3D modelling and CGI world now as a full time job, working with VR imaging companies and doing my own CGI visualization and photography work in the automotive industry. (I've enclosed some examples of my recent work, if you guys are curious). I'd like to try and get back into the community eventually, just as a member for the forseable future, and maybe someday as a developer again. Cheers. Michael.
  8. Michael

    Good morning,

    On behalf of the VA I operate we are including X Plane repaints within our Fleet.  As we operate the B767 we have decided to use the model you created several years ago.

    As we prefer to package our aircraft as "complete" files rather than just offer the skin we are seeking permission to package your B767 in this format as a complete .zip file.

    Could you please grant permission for this?

    If you require further information then please contact me.

    Our VA website can be found at www.airwego.org.uk.



  9. how Can I make custom displays.

  10. Hey dude, I've seen some of your car edits on Youtube, any chance you could do one of a motorcycle??

  11. Hi Micheal  

    Besides 788 , can you make a freeware a359 ?

  12. hola podrias decirme por favor como quitarle los movimientos a los b767, gracias


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