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Everything posted by Rolo

  1. As an old school pilot I'm accustomed to a paper checklist. Here is that I've done for the Marquise. She is a interesting plane, despite the lack of controls to link my hardware (I don't list all because there are a lot). Hope the mised controls will be published ASAP. MU-2 Normal Checklist.pdf
  2. Of course I will flight this plane a lot. Recently I've switched from MSFlightGame to XPFlightSimulator. I used to fly the MU-2 from Inibuilds, and love this aircraft, until she becomes unflyable because an update of the game. I dislike to use many aircrafts, only the C172 NG from Airfoillabs (realy study level, very close to the real one that I flown IRL) The other must be the MU-2. I don't fly tubes. PS: I liked your video of the MU-2 from RJFF to RJOO Kind regards.
  3. On this plane there are a lot of buttons and knobs without any control or dataref published. Also some published don't work properly. For those that like to use the hardware to control the aircraft, a complete list of controls could be very useful. After four days of purchase the aircraft, I'm still trying to configure the hardware. Meanwhile don't done any flight with she. Hope Tkyler read this post
  4. Hi Heinz-Juergen Thanks for your answer, I've assigned all the switches (lights and deice). But can't find the controls to the rotating knobs. Will try to dive on the code.
  5. Sory for searching help, but I can't find the controls and datarefs for the overhead knobs. Aren't listed on the manual. Also don't foud nothing on the X-Keypad and Dataref tool. I'm trying to set the X-Touch mini to control these knobs. Anyone can help? Kind regards.
  6. Many thanks for your quick answer !
  7. I've recently purchased the MU2 I'm trying to set up the controls. There are two axis unidentified on the manual. By seing vid's these controls aren't used. See the image below: Hope someone can answer, my configuration will be freeze until knowing about those controls. Thanks in advance and kind regards.
  8. Many thanks very nice livery.
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