Well, I had high hopes for this software. Paid $124 for it expecting something glitch free but have found it beset with all kinds of issues. I have worked hours on this sim and about the time I get one problem fixed another one comes along. The last problem was both engines flamed out after takeoff for absolutely no reason unless of course it’s a software issue. I’m using X-plane 11, so maybe I should upgrade to X-Plane 12 with a faster computer. That would be my next option. Is the latest download more designed for X-Plane 12?
I still like to give the software the benefit of the doubt so if anybody has any ideas on what might be causing these issues, I’m listening. In the meantime, I’m going to go back to my more dependable aircraft the Netavio CJ-4 for reviewing route procedures and the like. And by the way, this was a third of the cost.
Thanks in advance.
PS. I’ve edited this post several days after taking the time to learn this aircraft sim. Even though the learning curve is steep it’s probably THE BEST aircraft sim I’ve seen. It was well worth taking the time to learn it. I’m amazed how many things actually work, down to the circuit breakers. The developers have done a great job.