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  1. I’ve been using a Dell G7 gaming laptop to run this simulation. Apparently it was too much for it since it overheated and damaged some internal components. My computer crashed and now I’m in the process of buying a new desktop gaming PC that’s more than enough to handle it. Thanks for your help.
  2. Ok, I’ll have to figure out how to capture the approach on video. The last approach I shot today captured the GS ok. Now I have to figure out what I did differently thanks
  3. Even though the learning curve on this simulator is steep, it’s well worth it once you get things figured out. Didn’t realize these circuit breaker were as functional as they are. Had a blank CDU when I tried to select flight plan, but soon realized one of the CB’s was popped. I’ve gotten the sim to the point of flying but when flying an RNAV LPV approach with both APPR & VNAV selected there’s no (white) GS nor capture. I would have to manually descend using the VS. Any idea’s? Thanks for the quick responses.
  4. OK, thanks, I’ll see what I can come up with after a while. Kind of busy these days.
  5. Well, I had high hopes for this software. Paid $124 for it expecting something glitch free but have found it beset with all kinds of issues. I have worked hours on this sim and about the time I get one problem fixed another one comes along. The last problem was both engines flamed out after takeoff for absolutely no reason unless of course it’s a software issue. I’m using X-plane 11, so maybe I should upgrade to X-Plane 12 with a faster computer. That would be my next option. Is the latest download more designed for X-Plane 12? I still like to give the software the benefit of the doubt so if anybody has any ideas on what might be causing these issues, I’m listening. In the meantime, I’m going to go back to my more dependable aircraft the Netavio CJ-4 for reviewing route procedures and the like. And by the way, this was a third of the cost. Thanks in advance. PS. I’ve edited this post several days after taking the time to learn this aircraft sim. Even though the learning curve is steep it’s probably THE BEST aircraft sim I’ve seen. It was well worth taking the time to learn it. I’m amazed how many things actually work, down to the circuit breakers. The developers have done a great job.
  6. I finally fixed the issue on the start page of x-plane where you select the aircraft. I clicked on fix all faults and I was able to extinguish the APU fuel pump light which was preventing start. I’m amazed at all the systems detailed of this sim. It will take me awhile to get it to the point of taxing. The program crashed a couple of times and shut down, but that too is probably due to preferences set before aircraft boot up. (Guessing)
  7. I'm using X-Plane 11 and just recently downloaded the 650 Sim. Paid more for this sim than any other sim I've purchased, so I'm not going to give up, yet. I'm able to turn the battery on but can't get the APU to start, no rotation, no nothing. Also when I select external power and ASU, the engine won't start either......... Any ideas on what may be causing this?
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