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  1. @ilias.tselios It's been a few weeks, just checking back on this update. Is it slated for a larger release?
  2. @ilias.tselios Thank you, I look forward to this!
  3. Though I posted a few small issues this week, I just wanted to say great work on this! I've been following this project for a while, the X-Plane 12 compatibility is what finally triggered my purchase. I own a Musketeer, so having one for SIM training is amazing. I made a video highlighting my SIM setup + the Sundowner. A friend of mine purchased it, hopefully I'll spawn a few more sales for you...
  4. I've only installed it once. I've never used X-Plane 11, only 12. I was waiting for v2.5 to release since it was compatible with X-Plane 12. I just purchased it last week:
  5. I'm having a couple of issues with v2.5 in X-Plane 12... It was easier to make a quick video to explain, but basically the flaps won't deploy using my Thrustmaster throttle quadrant. They sort of "stutter" for lack of a better word, then go back to 0. The linked video demonstrates the issue. I initially thought something else was mapped to the flaps and caused a conflict, but I checked every setting on both the throttle quadrant and my yoke. Link to Video: https://photos.app.goo.gl/tsQ8sUBb3oxcvtg37 EDIT: Something I forgot to mention. The flaps work in all other aircraft with the current settings. The tablet is missing. I took a screenshot (which I can't find now) and the tablet was on the left yoke. In the sim itself though, the tablet in nowhere to be found. Any suggestions? Link to video: https://photos.app.goo.gl/cnDDk5FGXAax3g7v9
  6. @Cameron I was able to install it. On thing to note... there were two aircraft folders the X-Aviation folder: Beech Sundowner C23 v2 Beech Sundowner C23 v2 G5 Oddly, the one labeled "G5" isn't the one that's actually used when you select "C23 Sundowner G5" from the X-Plane main menu, installing the RealSimGear G5s did nothing. I had to install them on the one that was not labeled "G5".
  7. I purchased and installed the G5s from X-Aviation a few weeks back. I purchased and installed the Sundowner a couple of days ago. I can't get it to recognize the G5s. They are there, but with a screen that says the G5s from X-Aviation are missing. I can use the stock 172 that comes with the G5s without issue. I tried reinstalling the G5s as well. The Sundowner was listed during the install process, but for some reason it doesn't recognize them. I purchased both because I actually own a Sundowner (B19 Sport w/ Lycoming O-360) that has two G5s. This will the perfect training SIM when I can't fly, if I can get the G5s working Any help would be appreciated! EDIT: I'm running X-Plane 12 Log.txt Log_ATC.txt
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