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Everything posted by flydav
Thanks John
I'm sure you guys heard about using flywithlua to simulate better atmosphere, clouds, shadows, ocean etc. I was wondering if there is any plan to have SMP fully compatible with this fantastic add-on http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=22387 The only thing that is missing are the clouds shadows on the ground, obviously because SMP has its own clouds, but since you already managed to have perfect reflections on the water maybe you can do again another... miracle and have clouds casting shadows on the ground via the above add-on, thanks for your consideration
Thanks Sundog really appreciated it
I understand your point of view I was really excited when I got the email announcing MAXX FX I wasn't aware of this project and wanted to buy it immediately! I thought I could used to fix all those weird situations like overcast dark weather but super bright, saturated colors textures of the photoreal, or the opposite beautiful sunny weather but with dull, dark terrain textures but then I realized that the cockpit would be affected by these changes. Maybe it would be useful to make an evaluation version, so people like me interested in a corrective use only, might see how the cockpit becomes, and if a compromise could be made. Just an idea, but I really appreciate your efforts John, you are a huge contributor to X plane, THANKS!
Hi John is there any chance that in the future MAXX FX can only affect what's outside the cockpit, leaving the the cockpit textures and lights unaffected? This is the only thing that stopped me from buying this really promising product
I just finished my first flight with version 1.3 its unbelievable! Amazing...pauses are almost nothing, clouds are getting more and more realistic, performance is also getting way better! These are a few shots just to show the undecided people what SMP is capable of and thanks again for making my wish of the " forced cirrus layer" come true! This is a must have add-on
Thanks soooooo much for this new update and for adding the new feature of the forced cirrus layer! ))) Can't wait to try this new version tonight!!!
No that was the first time that happened, the simulated time was around 9am location was LIMJ. I haven't messed around with anything during the flight but I was experiencing very low fps during the whole flight and when I tried disabling silver lining the fps was doubling up. This was my first flight with the SAAB and SMP together, I will let you know if this happens again.
I was very surprised yesterday on my last flight I had these black clouds showing up again last time I had these it was v1.0. These black clouds were not only at dawn or sunset but even when the sun was high, HDR was off as usual for me. I tried to deactivate and reactivate silver lining with no results then I changed the time of the day via the key L and the clouds changed to white but not for a long time, infact when I landed they switched to black.
I see people with different plugins have this same exact problem and even at the org people are starting to notice something wrong. Personally I only had problem when I used python and NOAA and was able to switch back to real weather just deactivating python interface, I've never had problem with SASL, I'm no longer having this problem since I deleted NOAA. It appears to be more than one the cause of this issue: there is python (in my case) there is SASL, there is always X plane in both cases. I've used the 757 a lot these days and zero times the A320 so if it was SASL fault I would have noticed that because SASL is the same for both planes. To me there is a problem with X plane itself and the way it "talks" with the plugins so it doesn't really matter if it's me switching off python or somebody else switching off SASL, somehow X plane behaves again and as a result it is possible for the user to switch back to real weather. To me this is a bug and I'm gonna report it to LR, maybe you guys should do the same.
got ya!
I bought SMP immediately and I LOVE it, I don't think it is perfect but the difference with the standard and/or other custom clouds is huge, just try to go back to the default clouds for one day to see the difference. The special rays are something revolutionary and the fps has been hugely improved. Also I want to show you gratitude for listening to people and for continuously improving SMP as I think after all you would like to have a better SMP for yourself too and I'm confident that all the bugs with the lights are gonna be fixed so that nobody can say this product is not worth $40. If it's true what Mr. Russell says about users asking too much, it is also true that nowadays developers are abusing the users' patience by releasing expensive add ons with little or no testing at all. It is frustrating to pay for something that doesn't work and this happens all the time. Are we pushing the developers too much sometime? Yes. Should they release a product ahead of time because we pushed them to do so? No I'm very happy to write here ( as you can see) because this is the place where developers take 4 years prior to release something (see SAAB) and this makes me extremely happy. This is not a common trend elsewhere and we users are getting really frustrated because we're spending a lot of money and don't want to deal with this bugs non sense all the time. Finally, when I opened this thread I thought about future features just to give some feedback and ideas to the devs, to keep things fresh and alive, and just because I believe that they would like to improve the product for their personal enjoyment too. I was not meaning to complain or trying to get more bang for the buck
This is the way Americans like to express themselves they are very appreciative and show a lot of gratitude maybe sometime a bit too much but this is the way they are. We Italians (the majority) are very different we smile less, we show very little gratitude, and try as much as we can to show very little or no enthusiasm at all for somebody else work. I don't want to say we Italians are all like that, and Americans are better then us we are just different, different culture, and show our feelings in a different way. Appreciation is not our forte, but we can improve, look... I had to smooth some angles of my character otherwise they would kick me out of this country (US) already
I only use real weather and I'm never able to see the cirrus, with or without Skymaxxpro. Only with NOAA plugin I was able for the first time to see those clouds in my X plane, and I'm wondering if there is any chance that SMP could force a cirrus layer at an altitude selectable from the UI? I'm not making stuff up, there was a weather program that I used with MSFS back in those days that had this option and was very cool. Just asking...
You are sooooo right!!!
Already?! You guys don't waste time Thanks so much it will be an awesome new feature!!!
All I'm saying is that I would like to have the choice whether to activate this feature or not. The problem is that in the real life the ocean reflects only if certain weather conditions are met, but in X plane the ocean reflects everything all the time even when the weather is bad and windy so in these cases I would rather switch it off.
Obviously there was a typo "the user CAN turn it on or off" as I said, I would switched them off over the ocean but ON over the lakes.
If you plan to introduce this feature please make it in a way that the user can't turn it on or off from within the UI as I said it is very unrealistic to have these reflection over the ocean but they are very nice over lakes.
It would be really welcome...
Since the problem with the NOAA plugin I was wondering if Skymaxxpro could have such a thing implemented in the feature. It could make Skymaxxpro an even more stunning and complete add-on.
I've unistalled Skymaxxpro completely and still have the switching ONLY if I try to use NOAA with python so I believe the cause of this switching shouldn't be Skymaxx at all. I have the A320 neo but haven't tried with it also people are having the same issues with totally different plugins so at this point I believe there is something wrong with X plane itself and should be reported. Also it would be helpful if people reporting the weather switching problem would post a a screenshot or a list of the plugins they use. Without this it will be just a useless complaining.