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About SimPilotRick

  • Birthday 02/09/1971

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  • Location
    San Antonio
  • Interests
    Computers, Cars and Sim Piloting.

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  1. Hey guys I use both X-plane 12 and MS 2020, but I think I am gonna start using X-plane for the most part as MS is just not exactly what I wanted (I bought both to try them both out for comparison). Anyway, I am looking to use RealSimGear G500 Avionics Suite on a small monitor I have for mapping and orientation, is this possible? and if so do I need special OTHER software to make it work? I already use AirManager for instruments, will this integrate into that or does it run independently when the plane loads? I want to be able to see when waymarks are when I fly. I want to use it with the Cessna 152 and 172. I am pretty new to using flight instruments other that Altimeter and speedo.
  2. There are some planes that do not have a GPS in order to find airports when you want to land. A good example would be the Cessna 152. I have recently started using the GPS to find airports and it is awesome. I'm sure most all of you file a flight plan and know where the heck you're going but I've pretty much been weaning it up till now. I've only been flying off and on for the last couple of months because work is taking up a lot of my time. Well over the last week or so I've been doing a lot of redesigning of my homemade cockpit. And I would very much like to have a GPS for air manager. I know I can buy a g1000 but oh my gosh They are major expensive. I know there is not a g1000 screen that could be added in air manager or at least not that I have found does anyone know where I could possibly get one for air manager? I use both X-Plane and MSFS 2020. This is my current setup and I have a small 10.1 in monitor I would like to sit to the side with the software.
  3. Yeah just what I said I've recently noticed in X-plane and why I haven't before I don't know, but there are missing buildings that are quite prominent here in San Antonio and have been for many many years but they are not in X-plane. A little background I have both X-Plane and Microsoft flight simulator 2020. I know in Microsoft if I take off from an Air Force Base or an airport I see buildings that I recognize because I've lived here over 50 years. Although I've never noticed it before when I use X-Plane most of those buildings are not here. As a matter of fact I saw two bullet trains driving through one another. Not only do we not have bullet trains in San Antonio but we have very limited train tracks and of course they don't drive through each other. I saw another train make and abrupt u-turn. Anybody else notice weird things while flying?
  4. When I'm in the middle of the flight sometimes it pops up and then if I close it it aborts my flight.
  5. Well, problem solved!
  6. I looked at that before I asked, but I am using Win 11. It doesn't seem to be an app that gives me that ability.
  7. I'm using air manager and I love it I think it's great. Has anyone else figured out how to get air manager to start up with the computer?
  8. Hey guys my name is Rick a.k.a. SimPilotRick. I am currently building my version of a cockpit for my relaxation flying. I have 3-32 monitors and a flight yoke, throttle pack and switch panel. Come tomorrow my rudder pedals will be in, all Logitech. I have both MSFS (latest version) and just recently purchased X-Plane 12. I like X-plane 12 better with a few exceptions. It doesn't recognize my Logitech switch panel. I did download the latest software from their site. and I is so much more fun than MSFS I spend all my time in my studio flying...lol MSFS recognizes the panel right away, as long as I fly a plane that utilizes it. but In X-Plane even if I fly a plane that should utilize it...it doesn't. anyone else run into this problem?
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