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  1. Ahh was just asking this same question,,
  2. What no stair lighting total fail...No No just kidding loving the updates the transparent cdp panel feature is so welcomed.
  3. Sorry I tried to delete The issue was my Saitek panel Mag switch must be in Both/all (not start) she is quirky with the panel Still tiring to get the autopilot milti panel working not sure if it does...
  4. I updated started fresh my issue is I cannot depress the start button to start the plane.. The start buttons does not depress at all clicking it does nothing. everything else works aside from the start buttons.
  5. Does anyone else use a sitek switch panel? It has very unique quarks like the start knob must be in start or the battery switch won't stay on, then the APu won't start just jumps like it's stuck, i think the aircraft and coding is just to complex, making datarefs is beyond my skillset.
  6. I use the same x52 pro I made a separate profile for the 650. I assigned the hat to views to look around. X camera eliminates this issue too.
  7. I assigned a rotating knob on the throttle to the NS axies
  8. By chance you using duel screens if so the click spot is about 2'3 inches to the right of the phone screen. Put it on the right edge of windscreen and move the mouse right click around center of windshield you'll it it.. oil refill is the same
  9. Use the Tail number of the airframe if it's the same as the saved airframe in simbrief
  10. I'm not sure any of that is actually simulated.. like the weather radar...its an xplane thing, I couldn't get it to work neather. you can get atis sometimes,but that's all. To get winds aloft it's actually in the flight plan management page.
  11. To add when you start the sim you have the three options, one saves the last state,one is shared cockpit,but there is also another box that's says cold and dark state progress doesn't save..
  12. Yes it still is an issue
  13. Had this problem twice now I turned on the engine heat and it stopped, guessing maybe valve was froze or air was too cold...idk. Gremlins
  14. Their is issues with this,the phone,oil fill panel the slide out if you use multiple monitors..click spots are all off
  15. I had to make a new profile (x57pro) and assign reverse thrust hold max..or reverse thrust toggle.. one you click and then throttle mode goes reverse and throttle is in reverse mode,the other is you just hold the button and it starts reverseing but you have to hold the button releasing it goes to normal, haven't looked to see if they have separate commands in the cl650 section.
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