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Everything posted by maple-syrup

  1. Ok thanks!
  2. I'm using a Macbook Pro 13in Retina for my gaming laptop (I have a really nice desktop but can't take it everywhere) and I was wondering what the cheapest 240GB - 512GB SSD there is that is compatible with this machine is! Thanks in advance!
  3. I haven't been on in a while... Here are some pictures I like... That I took a while ago...
  4. There's a perfect whole ranting area on this whole forum!!
  5. Would anyone be able to make a United (Merger) livery for the FlyJSim Q400? After flying on them with the new paint scheme I flew the Q400 and I was thinking... "This doesn't feel/look right..."
  6. My CRJ-200 isn't crashing on Mac Os X 10.8.3...
  7. Ummm... Who took it in the first place? And why did they take it and then return it later?
  8. Oh totally! I totally knew it was an april fools joke! (not) I was freaked!
  9. Why don't you just release the 787 how it is... And give it the license where anyone can modify it if they give you credit for what you've done? I think that would satisfy most people.
  10. Ok I got both of the CMD A and B to be on at the same time... But on the way in at 50 ft the autopilot will disconnect and the plane will make a half hearted attempt to pull up...
  11. I believe its Cat I... I'm trying to land at KSEA runways 34R--16L. Oh and I read some where that you are supposed to be able to turn on both CMD A and B at the same time. But when I try, it will only do one of the CMD at a time not both A and B!
  12. Hey I was wondering if I could get some help on this subject... When I do a ILS approach with loc/app engaged, at about 50ft the autopilot will change to flare mode like it should. But then a second later the whole autopilot will disengage instead of staying in control and flaring for a nice landing. In the manual it says, "At 50ft RA both lateral and vertical navigation are disengaged; FLARE or autoland is engaged if automatically armed before." How does one "arm" the FLARE mode so it doesn't turn off at about 25-50ft?
  13. I hope this isn't out of line... But here at X-Pilot, I kind of think of this place as a "I was kicked from the .Org and here is a reasonable place that's X-Plane related" which is why I'm wondering why you guys care so much. This isn't meant to be a criticizing post, but I'm just curious.
  14. Hey Colin! I might be able to be a beta test but how about give you us a list of things a beta tester would be required to do!
  15. I believe he means 19x normal resolution... I'm probably wrong but that's my guess!
  16. Ok then go with the normal yellow lines. Always go with the one that looks the best from all angles. PS. This project is really turning into something!
  17. I prefer the ones that are not black... Mostly because you said they look strange from a distance. But that's just my opinion...
  18. Ok how do you get a computer stolen? Wasn't it at your house?
  19. I'll probably cry if you stop work on this!
  20. This topic is about pictures and positive comments about those pictures.
  21. Guys could we please just stop being so hostile toward each other? I'm guessing if this continues on someone will be banned and this topic will be closed. You do realize all you guys are doing is making it harder for the moderators to do there job.
  22. Just wondering (Sorry for off topic) what scenery is in the background of the 787-8 Boeing livery?
  23. Haven't posted in this topic in quite a while so... Here they are. 1: F-22 2: RJ-85 3: x737-800 4: CRJ-200 (JRollon) 5: Qpac A320-232
  24. Isn't it ok if you give proper credit to the author?
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