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  1. John, checkout this thread. there is a lua script that works that assigns the function to the mixture to go from cutoff all the way to flight idle. Then you need to assign a button or key command for the generic thrust reveres in order to get the throttle to drop into the taxi and reverser range. I had to scour multiple forums and sites to understand what I needed to do.
  2. It works the same way if it is throttle 1 or generic throttle. Is there a way to get the TBM to recognize when i pull the throttle down and then into the reverse section on the tq6+? Like I said, the lua script using the mixture axis to get the plane into high idle works. I think I could write a lua script that mimics that behavior for the throttle side if I knew the datarefs for it.
  3. This may be a stupid question, probably is coming from me, but once you have the throttle into high idle how do you get the normal throttle to work? The lua script worked amazing once I flipped the 0,1,2,3 around for my mixture lever. I am using a TQ6+ throttle quadrant that is amazingly smooth, I just can't figure out how to get the throttle to register in the plane. Suggestions?
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