For me, I'd have to say the best aircraft award for 2015 goes to the FlightFactor + SteptoSky 767 for a number of reasons. -The aircraft is not of usual FlightFactor standards. When I first got the plane, I was having trouble that this was done with FlightFactor support because this is such a departure from traditional FlightFactor ways. The 777 and A350 are respectfully good aircraft, however they did have their issues. Just about every single one of these issues has been addressed in this plane. I guess the "Joint venture" with SteptoSky solved these issues. -Best FMC in the market. This FMC is, at the time, the best one there is. It simply is the best in the simulator, far beyond JARdesign's FMC's. -The aircraft is beautiful, and accurate. The 767 is no easy plane to model, but these two developers did it like it was nothing. The wingflex is far more accurate than the 777, and the interior cockpit is a step up from the 757. Everything just comes together in this aircraft for a near perfect x-plane experience. Thank you to FlightFactor, SteptoSky, Phillipp Munzel, and everyone else who worked on this project. You've undoubtedly made the best aircraft of 2015.