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Everything posted by Mkiii

  1. Thank you, you have made a very nice plane! A nice improvement would be in being able to change charts during flight (those displayed on the yoke): now it's possible to prepare only those needed for a departure or an arrival and, flying with real weather, it could happens than at destination airport the active runway could change, so the arrival procedure.
  2. Mkiii

    JRollon Releases BAe Jetstream 32

    I've just received a new update release notification stating that the weird behavior of controls I've thought being caused by XP Beta (32-bit, of course!) is due to a mis-configuration (see page 48 of the manual)!!!
  3. Mkiii

    JRollon Releases BAe Jetstream 32

    Isn't working for me... I'm running XP 10.20 Beta 9: with 64-bit version control axis are working but o.h. panel switches aren't. With 32-bit version panel switches are ok but it doesn't let me to assign any control axis and, if any is set, remove it. Are anybody experiencing my issues, or anybody having Jetstream 32 working with XP 10.20 Beta 9? Of course I'll wait for a stable version of XP 10.20 before submitting a bug to the authors. P.S. For what I have seen, at now in my opinion she's one of the three most beautiful XP planes ever built! If she flies like she looks she could became one of my favorite planes! Great works JRollon!!!
  4. Thanks a lot guys, after installing 1.1.1 crash issues seems solved (did 4 flights, one on the previously regularly crashing route LIPX-EGCC). Many thanks for your efforts and to have build my favourite XP plane!!! Loris
  5. Same thing happened to me but was more silly: I've installed the plane while XP was running, so when I've opened the CRJ200 vascore plugin wasn't loaded. Once restarted XP my switches was working! Loris
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