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Tom Knudsen

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Posts posted by Tom Knudsen

  1. Thanks, that helped. Narrowed it down to this - A faulty connection on my Saitek Flight Yoke Throttle

    It was connected to the flight yoke via an PS2 connection, so basically what happend (i think) was that it disconnected mid flight

    From log.txt

    1:22:09.953 D/HID: Hardware REMOVED Saitek Pro Flight Yoke
    1:22:09.953 I/JOY: UNREGISTER Joystick device: Saitek Pro Flight Yoke - VID:1699PID:2988
    1:22:12.245 D/HID: Hardware ADDED(06a3, 0bac) - Saitek Pro Flight Yoke at path \\?\hid#vid_06a3&pid_0bac#9&2b316ab&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}


    So basically I believe this happened, not sure but It must be. The only logical explanation!!

    I ordered a new flight controller system, did not bother to buy a new USB flight throttle system to replace the ps2

    So if anyone want a fully working Saitek Flight Yoke, let me know (the throttle which PS2 connector is fault, I do believe should be replaced.


  2. Ok, so I did a new flight today, second try sort of speak..

    And I want to care about this aircraft, but it makes it hard to love it. Shit don't work and I don't know what to do or how to fix it.

    Flight went good at least up to the approach. Out of the blue it started to roll left for a 360 roll like it was a #¤"%# fighter jet. This totally ruined my flight and

    it was no way to fix it or even reengage the autopilot.


    Luckily this time I captured videos of the darn thing.

    As of now this aircraft is totally useless and not reliable at all :( (version 1.07 hotfix)


    There is no way to upload the video here, but I will link it for you to see (3 in total)

    Film 1


    Film 2


    Film 3



    I would upload the debug text, but X-Pilot will not let me do so





  3. 6 hours ago, Litjan said:

    I guess the biggest problem in this case was that you did not engage the autopilot. You can still clearly see FD in green on your EADI - it would be CMD if the autopilot was flying...



    Autopilot was disengage just before the image was taking, In the process of correcting the bank angle to gain control. Manged to reengage the autopilot when plane was stable.

    Though I never know why the plane turned back with the autopilot egange. the CRS Lock was green in the EADI along with some other CRS labels. Sorry do not have any image of this.

    I landed fully at ENVA except the plane never capture the VOR lock at the arriving airport, so I needed to again override to land manually.

    AIRAC is the latest version by NAVDATAPRO

  4. LOL.. Well according to the images there is, just thought the images was funny however the core issue isnt.

    Anyway, this is just after takeoff ENGM when I just engaged the VNAV, plane immidiate banked left, and rolled.

    Guess it did not like the VNAV


    Not sure if it was an contributed factor, but notices the right Flight Director was off



    Any idea what might have triggered it?

    Included the debug file, not sure if any else is needed?




  5. Quote

    Na, typical Knudsen stuff. Trying to pick a fight or say something lame to wind people up. Not going to happen in this thread. Had to do with how evil and deceiving we are, naturally

    Thats an assination of my character Camron, not cool. Its not overstated by me then to ask you for an appology it it? But then again I do not think you are man enough to provide one :(

    But for sake of the arguement, I did not try to pick a fight. When I pick a fight I hit the other fellow, don't wast any time on trash talking. Just part of my viking blood and heritage!!

    Anyway, Ill be the better man then, excuse me for liking that post Cameron, but kinda overkill deleting a post just for that. Oh well, your joint, your rules, my appologies again.


  6. XP11 is basically just XP10 with a new gui, added features like Ambient Occlusion and a redesigned aircraft park. So in version 1.0 you would not see that much

    difference. Same ground texture, same tree texture same mesh and same fun


    No need to worry, the future is bright and it will get brighter

    • Upvote 2
  7. Thank Cameron, did notice that now for version 1.1 corrected. But it does not say anything about i.e. new features.

    Not to redundant but if new features is aimed for example version 2, damn that will take long LOL.. Sorry Camron, but who doesnt want added features asap he he.

    I get it though, things take time and cost money. But could you guys answer us this then, do you have any cool new features lining up, simple yes or no would do just fine.

    I believe those important things should be on the timeline, after bug fixes which is no one priority I would imagine.


  8. On 20.9.2016 at 0:09 AM, Cameron said:

    I would say these items are not likely in a 1.0.8 update.

    There have been many bug fixes in the 1.0.8 if I am not mistaken right? - So I would imagine you guys did not have the time to add new features correct?

    So my question is:  When will we "estimated" see those features added that were lefte out of version 1 as described in this thread

    Are you guys shooting for version 2 or implementing these in future updates one by one?


    On 21.9.2016 at 8:44 AM, Litjan said:

    ...and the weather request we will most likely never be able to add...


    Parsing data should be easy enough to do if you have an server hosted somewhere. Perhaps you   @Ben Russell could elaborate on the posibility of such with in GIZMO, is it possible or is this out of the scope of what GIZMO can do? In any case I would imagine (without have seen the code) think that if you do parse data back and forth, it should be able to work within the gui of the FMS CDU.

    For example for the weather?

    • Parsing raw Metar Data from X-Plane's Metar.rwx file - is it possible to have that then redirected to the CDU screen upon request

    For example for the ATIS data?

    • Parsing data via the VATSIM statistic api - It should returns an XML file which you may or may not be able to use in the plane. Read more about this in the api here http://api.vateud.net/

    For example for the ACARS data?

    • This can be parsed via an third party client. I do believe this is a feature most suited for i.e. Virtual Airlines and such, groups that can host an server based solution which i.e. the plane can benefit from, pull data from. Not sure if the 737 have ACARS, perhaps you can answer that @Litjan - Anyway, read somthing about that there http://www.hoppie.nl/acars/


    I do belive many of these features are hard to harder to implement and would serve more as eyecandy for horny equipment and feature addics in X-Plane. Nice to have but not essential. But if I would pick as an semi-addicted x-planer for soon to be implemented new features it would for sure be (excuse me if this is alredy in, been away for a while)

    • Pilot entered HOLDS
    • TCAS
    • EGPWS
    • GPWS
    • IRS last position in the FMC CDU
    • Different TEST features like i.e. the Comm TEST

    This is just top of my head, but in retrospect we need those minor things working if possible to make it more realistic (kinda like getting A+ instead of A's he he).

    I am extremely happy with the plane so far, it works and it works good. So basically it can only get better, but I would not want a better plane if it boils down to the fact that such

    new features will impact the performance.  Performance is allways the no.uno feature to have!!!


    Last but at least, thank you to all the team from GIZMO to IXEG to X-Pilot for every dedicated hour of your time :)

    • Upvote 1
  9. Thanks


    About the drone thing, it happened at the same place it seems, do you fly it at other places ? 

    No, it happens at two seperate locations, and seperate hight and movement.

    The latter one the drone was hoovering, no controlls where touch at the time of the incident. The first one I was flying forward

    DJ Naza V2 has the latest firmware!

    I am not sure why, but I am starting to think I need to replace every motor, then every esc in order to fix this, cannot think of any other way to check this except the elimination method, though very expencive.


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