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Everything posted by skiflyzander

  1. Tom, thank you for your reply! That will be useful in the future. What I was trying to do was use the opensceryx number polygons. What I didn't realize is that you need to check the "use texture map" option to make the numbers appear correctly. So that problem is solved. It would just be useful to be able to make a perfect square or rectangle. Is that possible in WED? Here are some shots of what I was trying to achieve. Finally got it!
  2. Simon, thanks for the advice, but how do I actually draw the number polygons, that is what I am struggling with. Ryan, I saw that topic but it didn't help me. I do like the polygons you created though, they look excellent. I am just in need of something kind of different. Besides I'd like to learn how to make them myself so if I need to do something similar, I can do it later on.
  3. Hello All! I am working on a project and am having some problems drawing taxiway runway hold markings. To be more clear: The red boxes with runway numbers in them that are placed on taxiways. I can easily draw the red box using opensceneryx polygons, but i am having huge problems drawing the numbers. I can't figure it out for the life of me. On a side note, is there a way to draw a perfect rectangle when making polygons? Thanks!
  4. Denver BTW... I am really looking forward to your KMDW file! I am following the thread closely
  5. Greggerm, how would I go about doing that?
  6. I also have a question about SU and Hangars. I am trying to put a texture on for the roof, but it won't work. I tried doing it with the "projected" option and that didn't work. Any help would be greatly appreciated because this is frustrating!
  7. Sweet, that worked. Thank you for the help!
  8. Well, the title pretty much explains the issue. I looked for information in a few scenery development tutorials and couldn't find anything. I thought setting an airport boundary would help, but it didn't. I attached a picture of the issue. Any help would be appreciated!
  9. Peters a321 at Boston Logan during a stormy night! Loved the reflections so I thought I'd share it Enjoy!
  10. Secret Swiss bank account? Sounds... secretive? Ahh, ok I missed this. Got so psyched looking at the screen shot I totally missed it. ^^
  11. How do we get this update? I went to your website but couldn't find anything for an update...
  12. This project is looking amazing!
  13. Well, I sent x-plane support the log.txt and images of the issue. If you're experiencing problems and need to contact x-plane support via e-mail it's very useful for them if you include screen shots of what the issue is along with your log.txt. I installed x-plane into my applications folder, and it turns out that doing this messes with the permissions of the folder and that can cause issues which is why I was experiencing issues with the ground. It also turns out that the graphics card in my Macbook Pro (late 2011 model) is a low end graphics card (Radeaon HD 6750m) which I was unaware of and that limits my rendering options to just about 300 mb. That's kind of disappointing based on how much Apple charges for the mid-range MacBook Pros. Sorry, I digress. Anyway, I ended up having to delete X-Plane and reinstall it on my desktop so that there are no issues with permissions. So far everything seems to be good. I just need to install some scenery for North America and do some more flying. I hope this thread is helpful for anyone else who might be experiencing similar problems.
  14. Received help from x-plane.com support. Mods can delete topic.
  15. Yea I have a MacBook Pro from late 2011.
  16. And at night I seem to be flying through space even though that shot was taken at FL190.
  17. rendering screenshot didn't upload at first try...
  18. Hello, I am having some issues with the scenery in x-plane. First of all, the scenery is only drawn to a certain distance and everything else looks fuzzy with no detail to the horizon. That will be the first screen shot. The second screenshot will be my rendering options. how do I fix this problem... is there something wrong with my rendering set up? Thanks for the help!
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