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Everything posted by skiflyzander
Cameron, To keep from littering this topic with support questions, is there a support thread for SkyMaxx somewhere?
Hm, Thought I read that performance was better with skymaxx, performance is way worse for me.
X-Plane 10 HD Mesh Scenery v2 released!
skiflyzander replied to alpilotx's topic in General Discussion
WOW, Donationware? THANK YOU. Starting a download of Northern Utah now, excited to check it out. Thanks for all of your time developing it -
Ok, Folks I've got some pretty bad news. My computer crashed about a month ago during the windows 8.1 update and I lost everything that wasn't on my external hard drive. Which turns out to be a lot as I am finding out everyday. Well... I thought I had a backup of KLEB. Turns out for some reason I didn't. The backup tool I used made the backup of my C partition larger than the C-partition I have now. So it was impossible to recover my system. I can't believe I didn't make a back up on my external hard drive and this is a huge loss for me. I spent countless hours of work on this project and I'm really quite disappointed that all the work is gone. I don't think I'll be able to muster up the motivation to start from scratch again. I was really enjoying how it was turning out, but it's gone now. I'm sorry that this won't be released.
Hey folks. Long time, no update. I feel I really owe you an update about the situation. There are various reasons for no news. Loss of motivation, other commitments. Let me explain. I moved to a totally new operating system and new computer. This delayed my modelling and texturing severely as I needed to get used to the new system and move everything over. I moved from Mac - Windows so that wasn't exactly easy but I'm glad I switched. After I moved, I started modeling again and that went pretty well. At the moment I think I have the most accurate 3d model of the terminal in Lebanon, NH ever created ^^ But the problem is I can't find any textures I want to use that are accurate. I'm hardly ever home to get photoreal textures and I can't paint these textures the way I want to. That got super frustrating and has stopped me from continuing. The other commitment that takes up my time is ski jumping. I compete internationally for the US in world cup competitions. I have spent the entire summer getting ready for the Olympics in Sochi and this has stopped me from completing this project. Good news is that I am in a relatively good position for qualifying for the games. I ranked 43rd in the world cup this summer so I hope that is enough to excuse me from the lack of progress updates on KLEB ^^ After this winter, I would love to get back to work on KLEB, because I think this project can really go places. So I apologize for the delay. It will only continue but I really would like to finish this up. I appreciate everyone's patience
Thanks Red I was struggling with finding the right textures for my tower... So I guess I'll just MAKE the detail
So I've been hacking away here. I fixed some texture issues on the signal hangar, added some missing roads in the airport boundaries, added a few x-plane library objects and most noticeably added the correct tree lines for the north, east and south of the airport, that made it look much more realistic and blend in with the rest of the scenery very well. Still lots to do. Here' a screenshot for now: this view is approaching runway 36
757 series for X-Plane 10 by ramzzess&philipp
skiflyzander replied to HarryCYUL's topic in General Discussion
One thing I've noticed, the winglets are slightly large and misshapen. Anyone else notice that? -
When you can't find the texture you need.
skiflyzander replied to skiflyzander's topic in Scenery Development
That's some good advice, thanks I'm just struggling with creating my own textures, I can't figure out how to make the repeating rectangle texture like you made, That's almost exactly what I need! -
Hello Everyone, My development has come to a screeching halt. The reason for this is a lack of good looking textures. I have looked everywhere on google and bing for decent looking textures, but I just can't find anything to replicate the actual buildings. I even tried to paint my own, forget that, they looked awful. I guess my question is: What do most of you fellow scenery developers do to get textures when you can't find what you're looking for on CG textures or the web? I'll give you an idea of the texture I'm trying to find: Also this one: Any advice, tip or idea would be great Happy Saturday!
Nothing like a little light reading. Thanks for the link Chris. Did a little work. Let there be grass!
Hey Chris, I do not have a DDS file in the directory. All of my texture files are PNG files. Is there an advantage to using DDS? From what you said... i'm assuming DDS files have less of an impact in the sim? Thanks for the offer Redfisher. There are a few things I have questions about, so when the time comes I will ask you for sure. One of those questions is about transparent textures I saw the other day that the owner of the Signal hangar has changed. This new company is Granite Air Center and they already have a new logo on the hangar. I had to make the Sign on the hangar and retexture it. Hence all of these questions So here is a picture of what the new sign looks like!
Ops, too late for that ^^ Already flattened it. Is that a bad thing? I guess the only other detail is that I want to use the updated .png file but my changes do not show up in the simulator after I've made the changes. For example, I changed the color of something, but that color change does not appear. Redfisher... do you use sketchup to model and texture? Texturing is just awful because it takes forever and is somewhat of a hassle to move the texture around.
So I'm having a texturing problem. I edited the texture for one of my hangars to make the colors a little less intense and more lifelike. All was well. I flattened the layers and saved it as a .png file replacing the old file. The problem is that the changes don't appear in sim, or in sketchup. Does anyone have an idea of what I may have done wrong here? I would like to be able to edit my textures without having to totally retexture everything in sketchup. Texturing in sketchup is awful.
The KLEB Terminal is FINISHED. Finally... apart from texturing. That took a while, but I got it and I've got the detail I want. I think you guys will like it From here on out, the buildings should be extremely easy to model and the rest of this project shouldn't take me TOO long. Enjoy the screenshots.
Left side is finished. The fence took a while, but I'm happy with it. I'm off to the woods in a couple days to grab some pictures of the back of this building. Texturing this thing is going to be a nightmare... Holy crap. I hope everyone's enjoying the screenshots
So, I've got a couple shots to show off. The front of this building is finished... mostly. The front has a curb which is integrated into the doors and front of the building. I'm pondering what my next move will be. I'm thinking I'll do the left side, since the right side is modeled. And then it's off to the woods for a few pictures of the runway side of the building. Enjoy a few shots of the mostly complete front:
Very true, Redfisher... I hadn't thought of that. I'll have to see if I have enough energy left to do that I think mast2.obj is a part of the RUscenery library. I spent some more time on the terminal tonight and it's progressing slowly but there is indeed progress. Check out the screenshots! I'm off to model a few more windows. If I can keep up this pace I should be finished with the terminal sometime next week! So a little behind the scenes story: I can't see the runway side of the building without getting out on the apron, but there IS a view from across the field and behind a fence. I'll be attaching my telephoto lens to snap some shots of the apron side of the terminal. Hopefully nobody finds this suspicious and calls the police on me "o dear, look at this fellow snapping pictures from the woods... better call the police" Just what I need
I've been continuing to work on the terminal and It's starting to look decent... but it's too early for screenshots. I have a question: I am using the object Mast2.obj because there are two of these located at KLEB. BUT, the mast2.obj's are too tall. I looked everywhere and couldn't find shorter masts. Does anyone know where to find any that are a little shorter? I would appreciate the help
Is this an april fools joke a day early?
WOW. Incredible work Chris.
Started with the next building... holding off on texturing for now, as I would rather just model. Release date is definitely going to slip a month or two. Sorry about that! It's been a busy winter. BUT, the good news is that this is the last complicated model. The other buildings that I need to model are fairly simply hangars.
And deprive us from the many files available only at the org? No thanks.
Do you guys plan on sharing this pluggin with other aircraft developers or is this something that will be special to IXEG aircraft only? :)