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  1. I thought I would give you an update on the issue I posted on this thread on May 18,2024. I have not had any problems with Captain's FMC display since I reported it. Also, I have left the "Robust Contrast Adaptive Sharpening" (RCAS) setting on 0%. I have flown the 737-300 about 50 times since my first post and no issues with the display. I'm currently on XP 12.1.0 beta 6. Plane flies great!
  2. I did notice a minor issue that I believe that I may have created by playing around with the new "Robust Contrast Adaptive Sharpening" (RCAS) setting. After setting it to 100%, the Captain's FMC display seem to layer one display over another, the more key inputs I put in, the more the screen layered on top of the old display. After a while with no further input the display started to clear on its own. I did another flight after restarting X-Plane and left the (RCAS) setting on 0% and the problem did not reappear. Not going to file a bug unless others experience the same issue. Also, the first officer's FMC did not display any issues at all.
  3. I thought I would start a new topic in case anyone else wants to add their comments. Just did a very short flight with the new x-plane update version 12.0.1 beta. All the systems seem to work well. The day and night lighting look good and I'm not seeing any dark cockpit issues in the daytime. I'm not sure if any modifications had to be done but the transition at least for me went well. Thank you all for your hard work.
  4. "However, I see no information when I look into the IXEG "fmc_data" folder." I was incorrect with this statement, there is Sid/Star data in the folder but for some reason its not finding its way the aircraft FMC. Thank you in advance.
  5. Thought you might want to know that I too have experienced the the same VNAV issues as @Nados. Most of the time when I enter a flight plan into the FMC the altitude restrictions are incorporated into the legs page. But sometimes the altitude restrictions are missing. It's not mentioned in any of the previous posts, but I get my Nav updates from a Navigraph subscription. I point the Navigraph FMS updater to the X-Plane 12\Aircraft\ X-Aviation\IXEG 727 Classic Plus as suggested here. However, I see no information when I look into the IXEG "fmc_data" folder. I'll use a flight from KMCI to KMDW for an example. ROYAL1 ARENZ IRK ENDEE6 ENDEE6 has many flight and speed restrictions. Anybody else having this issue or can you see if I am doing something wrong? I have tried this in the Zibo 737-800 (which I have a screenshot of) and have no issues, The restrictions problems there, and yes I completed the performance page BEFORE the flight route page and filled in all the information. Buy the way, its worth mentioning, this aircraft flies great. I hand fly this model a lot on departures and arrivals below 10,000 feet and when I'm not using online ATC. Thank you.
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