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  1. Yes I confirm it's from the AFM - btw it's somehow curious that the example in the Vac chart is given for a weight of 18 tons, well above the MLW (38000 pounds) Yes of course it's rounded up there can be many ways to put those AFM tables into an FMS Do you think that it will be possible to have a correct Vac computation in a future release of HotStart 650?
  2. Pressure altitude around SL in this case (EGSS, RWY 04, Q1026). LW = 32000 pounds. HotStart FMS gives Vac = 121, whereas AFM gives Vac = 129, as you can see from the table above (consistent with the real FMS and the performance sw I use). On the other hand, Vref = 121 is ok among HotStart FMS, AFM, real FMS and Perfo SW. PS unfortunately I do not have a picture of the real FMS at hand, and cannot share screenshots/details of my Perfo SW. Anyway, AFM is the reference to be considered here
  3. Hi, I am FO on a CL605 fleet, with a long background in aeronautical engineering. I developed an interest in desktop flight simulation at a time when Flight Simulator still was a subLogic product - let me say that this CL650 simulation is absolutely amazing! Now, let's go to the point: regarding Vac, I noticed a mismatch between the AFM and the FMS calculation. It looks like the latter doesn't take into account the saturation which can be seen in the attached AFM table - basically, at low pressure altitudes and landing weight not too close to the maximum, Vac is always 129 KIAS; in all other cases, it looks like Vac = Vref or very close to. I did a couple of tests both on the real FMS and with the Performance Software we use, and I (as expected) got exactly the AFM numbers, whereas the Hotstart FMS seems to always give Vac close to or equal to Vref. Note: the AFM numbers for Approach Climb Speed look the same between 605 and 650 (and 604 as well) Do I miss anything?
  4. Hi, I am experiencing the same issue (with X-Plane 10). Problem is that Gizmo64 v18.02.12.240 is no more available from the link given above. Btw, I do NOT see the two files: X-Plane / X-Aviation / license_db.bin X-Plane / X-Aviation / marker.1 And everything which could prevent a complete SW installation process is disabled (UAC, Firewall, Antivirus, Access rights...) To give you some context, I have a sim assessment for a F/O position in a few days in a 737CL FFS and I have been told that this IXEG 737 can be a great tool to get prepared (I am not rated on the 37)... therefore I spent around 100$ to buy both X-Plane (v10, because my PC cannot get a decent fps score with v11) and this aircraft add-on. I am sure IXEG 737 is a great product, but being not able to run it is QUITE frustrating, given that I did not invest my money on it just for fun... Anyone who might help out there? Thanks
  5. Hi, I am experiencing the same issue (with X-Plane 10). Problem is that Gizmo64 v18.02.12.240 is no more available from the link given above. Anyone who might help out there? Thanks
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