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  1. As above said, the HSI course is not connected. Update it manually with the course knob for each leg if you like.
  2. That worked. Thanks. Looking forward to the update.
  3. Hello, For some reason the NAV 1 frequencies in my GTN650 are crossed out with a big red X. I haven't had this happen before in any other add on I use the GTN in. Any idea what's causing it? Screenshot for reference.
  4. Very much enjoying it
  5. Are you talking about this aircraft: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/beechcraft-sundowner-c23-p-166 It says it supports the Garmin G5 which is a different product. If it supports X-Plane 12 and G500 integration I will consider getting it but it does not say either are supported.
  6. Shouldn't you guys be offering us more integrations? It's a 50 dollar product that currently can only be used in 4 aircraft out of the box. The attached integration guide doesn't really help someone who isn't familiar with planemaker. Could you at least post a video a tutorial on how it is done?
  7. Any updates on this? I too did not see the "fine print" on the product page and am disappointed that approaches are not drawn out.
  8. Does this for me as well. I have reverted back to the Xplane GNS until this is fixed.
  9. Please ignore this bug report. It was caused by RealityXP still being enabled after changing the panel config.
  10. Hello, The HSI is bugged and not showing the course for the current leg. Let me explain with the attached screenshot. As you can see I am direct to the next fix but on the HSI the course is 360 degrees (and cannot be changed with the knob). This is in the TOGA MU-2. Is this a bug or something I am doing wrong?
  11. *dusts cobwebs* When will we see these bug fixes come out? I'd also like to see RealityXP integration worked on so that the power source can actually be tied to an avionics buss. Currently it can only be powered by the battery buss.
  12. Surely something must be off with the ground handling... There is no way the real thing is this difficult to taxi around. I have the TorqueSim SR22 which is also a free nose wheel and it is much more manageable. Please tell me I am not the only one who thinks something is off with the ground handling. I would love to fly this add on more but taxiing is such a pain that I avoid using it!
  13. Hello, When I use the weight table and I put in my passenger as 130 pounds it is still a man and not a cute girl. Can you please make it a cute girl?
  14. Hello, I was using the built in checklist function and as I was going through the before takeoff items I finished one of the checklists and as soon as I hit ENT to go to the next checklist the game crashed. Attached is my log file. Thanks. Log.txt
  15. There is a weapons folder now too!
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