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Everything posted by manofmac

  1. I now have a workaround for the immovable condition levers. I assigned the Slider on the X52 throttle to control the condition levers. I can now move them to their required position easily. That said, it does not seem reasonable that the Condition levers will not respond to the mouse while everything else in the cockpit does. Throttle, Flaps, Parking Brake and numerous switches and knobs. FYI, Manips with Hardware did the trick though. Condition levers respond to the mouse with Manips with Hardware selected in the Prefs. @meierzwoA Logitech Throttle Quadrant is out of the question. No budget for it. Thanks to all who chipped in with suggestions to my problem. Now all I have to do if figure out how to select NAV in the AutoPilot panel. Back to the Manual
  2. Throttle 5 is what it is set to. Got carried away with the typing.
  3. Hardware setup is Saitek X52 with Throttle leer set to Prop 5, this works as planned. Yes, you are correct, I cannot move the Condition Lever(s) even with the mouse in the cockpit. The mouse cursor does not change a finger or rotated arrow.
  4. I have everything else configured but for the life of me I cannot get the condition levers to move. After launching the aircraft with engines running I note from the manual that the props would be "on Lock" The manual goes on to say that to aid in removing the locks, move the condition levers forward to increase RPM. That is such easier read/said than done. I'm obviously missing some here but have not been able to figure it out yet. Any assistance would be appreciated, thanks P
  5. The answer to question 3 has been found. For the interested, its in the Gizmo user Preferences, Heading Selection Popup. P
  6. Three Points (Questions) 1. I'm having great difficulty in slowing this aircraft down to a manageable landing speed. Even with full flaps and lowered landing gear, it rockets down the glide slope at around 150 IAS. Only by reducing throttle to Flight Idle and the condition levers to min, can I get it to slow down to somewhere approaching a decent Landing speed. Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong? 2. is there a data ref for Gear Up and Gear Down or even a Gear Toggle. It does not seem to be in the les/acft/gear section. 3. In V 1.5 there was a way to show the heading degrees in a strip at the top of the screen. It's been so long since Goram told me how to do it, so does anyone remember how? Thanks P
  7. As you explained in your response to my support ticket, it's only the installer that is 32bit and triggering that warning. thank you P
  8. Hi, Im running High Sierra on an iMac and X-Plane is configured to show an error box if the aircraft you are loading is not a 64bit file. I received such a warning when launching the 340 Anyone know if there are plans to make X-Aviation aircraft 64bit any time soon? Thanks P
  9. That's exactly why I came here. I'll try the reinstall
  10. Well that worked! decompressed using Stuffit Expander and the install worked fine after decompression. Thanks for the tip, P
  11. Thanks, It does look as though the unzipping process went smoothly, but I will try your suggestion this evening and report back P
  12. HI, I have been having some problems with the LES DC3 so I decided to trash my copy and download a fresh one. Download went a little strangely, no indication of the size of the download, but it appeared to download to a zip file. Unzipping went without a problem but when I launched the installer I got an error messages stating that the download my be corrupt. See attached JPEG. This has happened on two separate downloads of this aircraft this evening. Suggestions welcome Thanks P MacOS 10.12.6. X-Plane 11 (which is not launched at the time of the errors)
  13. Background. using x-plane 10.45 and have recently downloaded the new V% of the x737 and the associated FMC that goes with it. Another recent download is the 727 series V2, also with the new XFMC. Yesterday BAE i loaded Jetstream 32 and ended up with an aircraft sitting on the tarmac and a frame rate of 1 (ONE). force quite from X-Plane. Retried with the SAAB 340. Same thing! Removed XFMC from the plugins folder and both aircraft loaded with a frame rate of 38. About average for me. Flew the Jetstream 32 into KSHV via the ILS. Captured the localizer but for some reason, instead of turning left onto the correct heading, it turned right!. Any ideas as to what is happening here? P
  14. Well, DUH! (slaps forehead in disgust!) I guess that should have been obvious. Thank you P
  15. Thanks for that. As a matter of interest, what does the alarm signify? P
  16. HI, I have a "Chirping Alarm" which goes off, usually, just at touch down but today it started on approach when I disconnected the Auto Pilot. It chirps 8 times and repeats with a, approx, 1 second gap. I can find nothing in the manual and cannot turn it off. It even stays on after shutting down the engines. Any ideas? thanks P
  17. Ahhh, that explains why I missed it. It never occurred to me to look outside of the SAAB list. Appreciate the pointer P
  18. That one is eluding me. I didn't see anything in the advanced button section that seemed appropriate although I did find the section for LES aircraft and the SAAB in particular I wouldn't say no to a pointer on this Thanks P
  19. Glad to help and I appreciate the quick answers here. Goram pointed out the CRS1, HDG and CRS2 pop ups, I had not found that functionality before then. As I mentioned, I'm new to this aircraft so I am still getting used to flying it. I like what I see so far, very impressive. Nicely done P
  20. thanks Kneighbor and Goram. I'm going with the Goram solution right now, seems to work ok for me. One question though. The heading know between the CRS1 and CRS2 knobs moves in 1 degree increments. That's fine. However, the large knob on the AutoPilot panel will move the heading bug quickly in either direction but, when the small heading knob is touched, the heading bug flies back to its original position. Bug or intentional? P
  21. Only had this aircraft a couple of days but by following the tutorial I finally managed to get the aircraft into the air. Other than "ARM" I didn't see anything in the tutorial about the CTOD and had a couple of aborted takeoffs after the CTOD cut in and dropped the Torque to 60%, apparently the default setting. What I do find awkward is setting the heading. Not so much on the ground, as there is no problem with stability there, but in the air. The heading knob does not rotate nicely for me. I have to drag a fair way before the heading bug moves and then it moves steadily. Stopping it on the correct heading is tricky. I have not found a way to move it one degree at a time. Is there one? It's also difficult to see the heading indicator and the heading knob on the console at the same time. How do others cope with this? thanks P
  22. I have been looking almost everywhere for an MU-2 CSL file for on-line flying. Is there an official one from X-Aviation or does anyone know of one? Thanks P
  23. Thank you so much for the very quick reply. You are right, so very easy. Guess I would have found that if I had gone back to the manual. thanks again Peter
  24. Despite searching for what seems forever, I am unable to find anything that will make this aircraft descend. Clicking the VS button makes it light up but without being told which way to go, the aircraft remains in level flight. I thought I had found it on the Autopilot console but the "Roller" marked PITCH & Descend does not move, even though the cursor changes to a hand. Did I miss something? Peter
  25. Thanks Goran, Take care of the head cold first. I can fly it without, I'll just have to polish up the Seat of my Pants. P
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