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Everything posted by JohnMAXX

  1. OK this one is a bit tricky, first off I am using the XPFR Bora Bora scenery package...... Also in SkyMAXX Pro I am using the Tropical Paradise sky color set...... To round off the tropical appearance I created the theme Tropics Even though I have included some specific conditions it works well in other environments..... Here are a few screens for you to look at.... Tropics.zip Unzip the packageNavigate to (X-Plane Root)/Resources/Plugins/MAXXFX/UserEffects....Drop the file into that folderGoto the MAXX FX UI inside X-Plane check power usergoto load and select TropicsAs always with MAXX FX your results may vary depending on your settings........enjoy!
  2. It shouldn't make any difference, the EXP file is just a text file that stores the preset values.......
  3. Ok guys here are some of the default themes that are hard coded into MAXX FX, duh moment on my end.... Now if there is a default theme that is almost right, you can adjust it...... Defaults.zip Defaults2.zip Not all default themes are represented here since some use custom shaders.... Unzip the packageNavigate to (X-Plane Root)/Resources/Plugins/MAXXFX/UserEffects....Drop the files into that folderGoto the MAXX FX UI inside X-Plane check power usergoto load and select the default theme you would like to edit ****Special Note***** The edited files will only be available from the power user setting not from the default menu......
  4. Here you go! I hope this makes MAXX FX more usable for you..... Defaults.zip Defaults2.zip
  5. Ok back from a fun filled day with the family here is another theme for you to enjoy.... Urban Blight Urban_Blight.zip Unzip the packageNavigate to (X-Plane Root)/Resources/Plugins/MAXXFX/UserEffects....Drop the files into that folderGoto the MAXX FX UI inside X-Plane check power usergoto load and select Urban_Blight or Urban_Blight_noiseAs always with MAXX FX your results may vary depending on your settings........ Bonus: A picture I took of a North American Black Bear today....
  6. Ah it almost sounds as if you had a missing file inside your plugin folder, Gizmo is needed for SMP to run BTW......Just a shot in the dark..... I hope the medium overcast works for you, as you know we are working on tracking down these little nit noidy issues that keep up up at night......
  7. Unfortunately yes they are hard coded, I think I may be able to pull them out for you to use...Hold up....
  8. Very nice video Mik75..... I agree there is a lot of power in those sliders,........
  9. Chances are if sm worked before there is some different variable at play... I suggest looking at your setup deeper before blaming sm....
  10. Not really any list, its only in HDR and we are aware of the problem....... Currently we haven't found a solution and to be honest I am puzzled as to why it only a problem with that style of light...... As I am typing I wonder if it would be possible to edit the png associated with the police car lights.........Give me some time to look into this......
  11. Enjoy! Hard Light With noise.... A Dusk Shot Hard_Light.zip Unzip the packageNavigate to (X-Plane Root)/Resources/Plugins/MAXXFX/UserEffects....Drop the files into that folderGoto the MAXX FX UI inside X-Plane check power usergoto load and select Hard_Light or Hard_Light_noiseAs always with MAXX FX your results may vary depending on your settings........
  12. Hey guys another theme I would like to share with you all, I call it Vintage. Images are worth a 1000 words: Vintage.zip Unzip the packageNavigate to (X-Plane Root)/Resources/Plugins/MAXXFX/UserEffects....Drop the file into that folderGoto the MAXX FX UI inside X-Plane check power usergoto load and select VintageAs always with MAXX FX your results may vary depending on your settings........enjoy!
  13. Thats correct.........
  14. This is a known issue in SkyMAXX & HDR.......Looking at your SS it looks as if you are using SM.......
  15. You know we will report on everything once it becomes more of a reality These things take time.........
  16. Have you changed your overcast quality from low to medium in the SM UI? We are working on this BTW, but if you do this it will take care of your problem......
  17. Thank you cptcaptain! I have seen this before on other outlets so I know the problem is there I just cant reproduce it......
  18. Ive tried for the life of me to replicate this....can you reproduce the problem consistently? The reason I ask is there needs to be some variable that I have yet to find.... If you can please provide a zipped log.txt and your smp settings so i can give it a go... Oh also a screenshot of your weather settings....
  19. I dont know how I missed that....... The densotometer was off the charts.....
  20. That looks pretty good, did you edit the wispy textures to get those effects? We are currently taking a very sofisticated, new approach to SkyMAXX. We do not look at REX much this isn't our goal, but we are looking to add those finer details and more randomness in the future..... On top of that we are hoping to improve on weather representation and cloud formations...... And other top secret and super cool stuff....
  21. Care to elaborate?
  22. Its a game of what variable is causing this right now..........What aircraft are you using? And what other plugins are you running? The reason I ask is to be able replicate conditions that might cause this.... I ran it through a few shut downs with a few variables and everything was OK.......... If it isn't saving your settings there must be a variable I do not have on my MAC......
  23. MAXX FX THEME Recently I posted some images using SkyMAXX and MAXX FX, a few members wanted to know how I achieved such shots........ Attached is a new theme I like to call Blow Your Mind I created one with noise and one without. Personally I like noise mostly at night, I think it simulates when those rods and cones go goofy..... Here is Blow Your Mind without noise: And with noise: And the file: Blow_Your_Mind.zip Unzip the packageNavigate to (X-Plane Root)/Resources/Plugins/MAXXFX/UserEffects....Drop the files into that folderGoto the MAXX FX UI inside X-Plane check power usergoto load and select Blow_Your_Mind or Blow_Your_Mind_noise Results will vary and I used Raleigh scattering in the picture....... Enjoy!
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  24. Awesome!
  25. It should hold your previous settings from your last session. Now that I think about it if you made changes in the ui prior to a crash your settings might not hold.....
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