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Everything posted by Ahmed

  1. ؟
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  2. Yea, but they started devloping in 2010.. so maybe... huh
  3. Kinda awkward, but will there be and XP9 version?
  4. :/
  5. Also, I noticed something using a program called SpeedFan 4.49. X-Plane is using ONE CPU i guess. because the CPU load is 100% in one, and between 0 n 20% in the others :/
  6. Also, I noticed something using a program called SpeedFan 4.49. X-Plane is using ONE CPU i guess. because the CPU load is 100% in one, and between 0 n 20% in the others :/
  7. I dont think the problem is the RAM As taskmanager says, the only processes running are X-Plane and windows processes. Btw, my processor has 8Cores.. Something is just not right...
  8. Oh.. lol And "bam" is?
  9. Waht? Are these names of programs? link?
  10. Any suggestions?
  11. I just bought it like.. 2months ago
  12. I did that The filed doesnt work.. :/
  13. I did.
  14. It worked now Thanks! What bout the next problem?
  15. Y'ello The title says most of it . No crash_log generated, i deleted my prefrences... It crashes when it first starts loading.. and NO, i havent installed any new scenery/plugin X-Plane 9.70, windows 7 My signature contains my computer specs.. Log.txt and and stack_crawl are attached.. lol ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Another problem Before X-plane started crashing, i was facing a problem with FPS. My specs are in my signature, I'm running X-Plane 9 on kinda medium settings, GIZMO and X-Plane's settings showed that im having 40 fps.. the problem is i feel that those *40* fps are like 15 or something.. it happens with all aircrafts.. even light aircrafts like the default F-22..*I tried limiting fps in xp rendering options* Is there something i can do in my log.txt to make x-plane use MORE power from the processor or the video card to give me more fps and stop lagging? *Im not that computer guy * Log.txt stack_crawl.txt
  16. To clear things up, im not talking about systems OR animation stuff (gears, flaps..etc)
  17. Thanks very much, I appreciate that
  18. Did you use the performance charts supplied with the aircraft? And NO, i dont mean the systems...
  19. My question was about PERFORMANCE: -Fuel -Climb performance -Step Climbs -..etc Also, I dont really care about gears animation and other exterior 'things' in the plane. It wasnt the answer i wanted but thanks anyway
  20. Hey! So, I'm buying Ramzess and Phillip's B77L very soon. I'm wondering if the aircraft's performance are accurate on the performance charts supplied with it..? And PLEASE, I need someone who has planned a flight from A to Z before starting X-Plane using these performance charts, please dont answer if you just "Read" that its accurate or sth.. *I use X-Plane 9*
  21. For winds in flight-planning, you could check this http://aviationweather.gov/iffdp/
  22. Ahmed

    Loading screen...

    THANK YOU!! It worked!!
  23. Ahmed

    Loading screen...

    Are u sure about saving it as BMP? X-Plane's default intro is PNG
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