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Everything posted by ch47

  1. Hi- new here. I am coming up on some flight evals at work, and I like to make that a good excuse to do some good IFR simming, as my instruments are a bit weak since it is winter time and we cannot fly in icing conditions. I am a veteran of FSX, but I have built a new rig recently, and I don't feel like starting all over again trying to make that software turd float by using a payware raft. I have always liked the concept of X-Plane; especially the flight dynamics, due to the calculation engine behind it, but I have held off for some time to see where it goes. I am stoked that X-plane now has Carenado and REX on board. Its obviously only going to get bigger as time goes on and more addon developers find their way here. I think XP10's maturity years wil be where FSX becomes passed up by the numbers, and the majority of simmers will be here in within another couple years. Anyways, I am gonna try XP10 for the first time this weekend and see how it goes.
  2. The only thing that truly EVER made FSX any good to begin with was their addons. MS Fight is pretty much starting as an addon now. They have Hawaii, and then it will probably be Southern California, Northern California, and then Arizona or one of those other 6 US states that seems to have better gps imagery, thus every single flight sim developer makes scenery for. Had they been smart, they would have learned from their flaws, produced a better full sim from the ground up, and relied on their aftermarket following to continue to develop the great addon products that made theirs sell to begin with. MS isn't even bothering to pay the cost of mass-producing software for it. It will run through GFWL, which is essentially little more than a tool that they use to control piracy. There is no financial loss to them if it does flop, and thats all MS cares about anymore. I predict that Flight is going to flop horribly, aside from a small niche of people who will be new to it. If anything, I hope it will make that niche of people more interested in simulation, and further build this community.
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