I thought that was about the only thing that didn't work on a mac, the combination of TrackIR and X-plane? I've been trying to search for an answer, but got the impression that it won't work. Can you confirm that TrackIR DOES work on OSX (snow leopard) with X-plane 9? Back on topic: I got a Saitek Cyborg X joystick, which I can really recommend. Fully customizable regarding handsize and shape, foldable and with dual throttle for a very good price. Works out of the box, no driver install needed, on my macbook (and yes, I've owned all windows versions on desktops (and MS DOS) and laptop, love Ubuntu and even ran MS Flightsim 1.3 on my Commodore 64 decades ago). I love certain aspects of X-plane, think it has a lot of potential, but there's still lots of stuff not correct, missing and sometimes plainly annoying. But I'll keep the faith, I'm sure the ending of the MS FS team as well as the growing mac userbase (probably because it has the ability now to also run windows, even though I don't) will trigger lots of people to move to x-plane which will give it the community it needs to mature.