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  1. disregard post, was my fault Log.zip
  2. Exactly the same here. Sadly I dont have a log right now since I threw SkymaxxPro out the last time I fired up the sim. Will add it later. /edit Attached a no-crash log after Removal of SMP so that you have at least an idea of my plugin and system configuration. Log.zip
  3. 757/777 make these sounds when xplane hangs,i.e. when the weather is being generated or big scenery files are loaded.never heard it in the 320 though.
  4. Let me guess...flying the 777/757?
  5. Thank you Cameron. Any ideas on NOAA / SMP interaction and why it is hanging on weather updates ?
  6. I just experienced justanother CTD which I know is probably associated with the XSB plugin. While checking the log.txt, I found hundreds of lines written by GIZMO checking if my key is valid. I was flying the X-aviation CRJ200. Didnt have that before I installed SMP. Any ideas ? Or is this normal behaviour ? The crash happened while updating the weather - I think. I am using the NOAA plugin and every weather update stops the sim for several seconds while my PC is probably not the slowest. Maybe also an issue with that ? Log.txt
  7. malombroso, on 19 Nov 2013 - 1:29 PM, said: No Gotta correct this. The new SkyMaxx PRO actually DOES perform smooth transistions - try it !
  8. Next hint: If you experience poor performance, WAIT. SMP somehow needs its time to fade in the clouds. If you change your settings quickly, you will not notice that. Give it at least 30 seconds.
  9. It is only in certain angles and maybe connected with very low hanging clouds. Flying it looks very good, also on other airports with different weather.
  10. It is on my signature X-Plane 10 (current beta) on Win7 64Bit, 8 GB RAM, i7-3770k @4,5Ghz on ASRock Z77 Extreme 6, Gigabyte Windforce 3x OC GTX770 /w 4GB, Nexxos-Watercooling Do you need additional Info or log. Txt? Sent from my HTC ONE
  11. Hi all, I was really looking forward to this and am very happy that SMP has finally been released I need some help with tweaking the settings. In general, a short overview about how settings influence performance and visuals would be great ! /edit: Just RTFMed myself, thanks to the manual included... With my actual setting I am getting very blurry imagery:
  12. It is 110 or FL110, not at my PC atm.. Sent from my HTC ONE
  13. That is caused by XPs weather system that generates the weather per tile (1 degree longitude x 1 degree latitude). A plugin can only tell XP the weather within that tile and XP the decides where the clouds are, where stormcells are and so on. If you enter the next tile, you will get the "next weather". This is not changeable by a plugin. The XPGFS plugin has rather precise data so times where you fly in CAVOK conditions and find yourself in a fat thunderstorm in the next minute are over. XPGFS also enhances your cloud layers by removing the lowest and adding one on top after passing, thus giving you more clouds in upper flightlevels. It also adds turbulence what I personally find pretty neat. It still does but maxes XPs options out. From what I know, the weather system does not allow more. Sure No Thats what the transition does. NOAA data is not very good in lower flightlevels, here METAR data that comes straight from the airports is more precise. I chose FL110. At FL100 you usually reduce speed to 250kts and thus stay there for a while. The plugin will then switch between both "weathers" many times because you are flying 9550 ft and then 10500 again. With FL110 setting, your deceleration can take place with XP or VATSIM weather.
  14. The noaa gfs plugin for xplane does all this, for free. Just Google it. No need for pricy FS stuff Sent from my HTC ONE
  15. Hi flighttime, http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/topic/2369-x-aviation-buyers-to-x-aviation-and-org-to-org/ The 64bit CRJ was released from the org but not here because of http://developer.x-plane.com/2012/11/please-do-not-release-64-bit-add-ons/
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