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Everything posted by arctic85
Thank you for your update! I was actually trying to understand how effective it can be to remove ice from the windshield… I suppose the defrost ratio has an influence on it.
Hello! Looking at the cabin air selector a bit more closely, I noticed the following: When turned fully to the right into fourth position, it seems to be ventilate equally to the panel, floor and windshield. When turned into the third position, it seems to ventilate to the panel and windshield only. Is this the correct behavior? I would have assumed the following: Position 1 => Panel only Position 2 => Panel and floor Position 3 => Panel, floor and windshield Position 4 => Windshield only Thanks in adance!
The MU2 does require quite some training. And flying an aircraft in a sim is more difficult than in real life. Here are two articles which I had found and are quite interesting: https://www.aeroresourcesinc.com/uploads/198404-1984 Mitsubishi MU-2B-60 Marquise.pdf https://turbineair.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/MU-2-Magazine11-July-2016.pdf Here is an interesting bit: This behaviour is well reproduced in X-Plane but a bit exaggerated and FM needs fine-tuning IMO. I also need more landings with it but I don't think a touchdown at 80 is feasible, you need to carry quite some torque until touchdown to avoid a too high sink rate and speed will not drop to 80 during flare. But the general idea works fine, initial approach speed of 120kt, Vref of ~105kt (more or less depending on you LW) then keep some torque until touchdown. This plane is a little marvel :-)! Hopefully @tkyler is soon done with the 737 so he can get back to the MU2 asap :-D. Looking forward, with few fixes, fine-tuned perfs and FM, the next versions of X-Plane and a released weather API so the weather radar can be finished and why not, a Thranda-like configureable panel, oh boy that aircraft would be one of the best turboprop :-) for X-Plane!
Yes I know :-). Just did a quick percentage between the expected and actual, took a screenshot and went to bed. Still WIP but screenshot is updated. For my next flight, I'll configure data outputs from X-Plane so I can grab numbers more precisely. Let's see how it looks like. But as some other users have already noticed and reported here, fuel flow in cruise is approx 14% below expected value (TAS too low as well) and seems too high on ground/lower altitude. Because in the end, using the AFM to calculate the necessary amount of fuel is pretty close to what we get in X-Plane MU2. It just burns more fuel in climb and descent/approach phases and less in cruise. It terms of climb performances, it seems to be quite right, just ~5% overpowered, again based on AFM as I've never flown an MU2. Though if I win the lottery, I would love to buy one, it just looks awesome ! Unfortunate they are discontinued, they are so much prettier than a King Air...
Hi All, Not fully ready yet but I've put together a W&B and performance calculations Google spreadsheet, based on the 4 blades AFM. W&B payload stations are listed as I configured them in Planemaker. Since we can only have 9 stations, it's missing some of them. Performance results so far look pretty ok. I'm cross checking them with ForeFlight performance profiles for the MU2 and I'm getting +/- 10 Lbs in terms of fuel. Happy to share if that could be handy when adjusting the flight model in future versions! Cheers!
Hello! Did a complete flight yesterday (at FL230) and noticed 2 things with the AP: Whenever reaching a turning point, on AP NAV GPS mode, the autopilot had the tendency to slightly turn to the opposite direction (for ~1 sec) then abruptly correcting and intercepting the next course. The soft ride button does not lit up nor seem to soften AP responses to disturbances. Thanks!
Hello Goofy, Right knob push button does not work in 3D cockpit, confirmed fixed for the next version :-) Cheers!
Hello, Related to this, I also noticed monitoring of NAV1/2 or ADF frequencies does not seem to work, Not sure if it's an audio bug or something not yet fully implemented but looking at datarefs, the functionality seems to be there. Thanks!
Topic can be closed, my bad, not posting in the right place... Sorry!
Topic can be closed, my bad, not posting in the right place... Sorry!
Ups, sorry for that, didn't notice it in the thread :-/. Thanks!
Hello! Noticed few small issue with the GMA340 radio stack: Except for the low/high sens button, other buttons' led lights do not turn on Audio monitoring of nav1/2 and ADF frequencies do not work For the first, pressing the button works, i.e. monitoring com2 for ATIS works as expected. But the light does not turn on and I think this was previously working. For the second, looking at datarefs, it seems actuate the functionality but we don't hear any audio (i.e. station's morse code). Tested in range of the VOR and works with the stock C172. Thanks in advance and cheers!
Thanks for your quick reply! Also noticed another small issue, probably already caught by somebody else... The G500 PFD knob is coupled with the standby altimeter knob when in baro mode. Cheers!
Hello! First of all, thanks for the MU2 XP12 upgrade! I also have the RSG G500 and noticed that there seem to be a missing click region for the MFD knob push button. Opening the Cockpit_3D_GLASS.obj, I didn’t find command button « rsg/g500/cmd/mfd/knob_push » which is in the RSG demo C172 3D cockpit adapted with the G500. Am I missing something? Thanks in advance and cheers!
Indeed... I thought I had read something that made me think it could be updated by Navigraph but actually no, you're right, it comes with AIRAC 2104... Just the same than RXP.
That would be great if true. As I understand, it has the advantage its database can be updated with a Navigraph subscription.
Hello there! First post here for me... Just purchased the MU-2 few days ago and flying it in XP12 (and enjoying it a lot). Despite lighting and rain effets which need to be tweaked/implemented, it's very stable on my end. Still need to dig into the POH which I found and I'm sure I'll find some discrepancies as it's been reported here but jeez... Love this plane! It's definitely for me the best aircraft purchase for X-Plane so far! Thanks for the great work! Also looking forward to upcoming improvements and Realsimgear/XPReality GNSS devices to be ported to XP12! Cheers!