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Everything posted by Medway

  1. Hi thanks I fixed it by disabling the Dataref tool plug.
  2. Just bought this via the sale (thanks!). I'm getting a CTD when loading. Just so happened to update XP the same time as I loaded so not sure if it's that since this is my first time running it. Anything else I need to watch out for? Cheers
  3. Incredible, day one purchase.
  4. The latest beta might have broken the window reflections. They look a lot more noticeable now.
  5. Checked again and WX was off. That and terrain didn't make a difference. The visual effect seemed to depend on if the system had to load anything else (like changing my view). About 20% of the time I'd get a noticeable stutter.
  6. That was a separate issue with XP itself. This is just a 737 thing.
  7. Thanks for checking. I could detect a stutter coinciding with it sometimes but not every one. Probably best to wait for the current betas as they seem to be making adjustments on performance.
  8. Thanks Ben I had terrain turned off, I'll check to see if wx was on.
  9. I'm getting a stutter every 7 seconds. I reported this a while back on the Gizmoo stutter thread but it went away once in the air. Now it happens all the time when I'm inside the cockpit. It's fine outside.
  10. I realized I had my settings.txt set to 8192 for shadow quality. Once I set it back to 2048 the depth of the stutter was less. It does seem to be happening every 7 seconds. Ignore the third stutter mark, that was caused when I hit print screen. Once I took off the 7 second stutter went away and I had constant 60fps. So it seems Gizmo usuage has no bearing on the fps. This is about as light as the default 172.
  11. Yes I was seeing stable FPS with the IXEG. Since last week I upgraded from my 4790 to a 5800X3D. That seemed to fix most of my G500 problems. I get a little spike right when loading but then it settles down to mostly 0% usage and stable (tested with 172 REP, Mu2, BN-2T equipped G500). With the IXEG I get constant 10-15% Gizmo usage but the fps overall is good. One strange thing I noticed is I was getting a constant stutter every 10 seconds. I could reproduce the same stutter by turning off and on the terrain display (one stutter each time). In this pic the first and last stutters happened on their own. The middle two close together were me click on and off the terrain display. The stutters look exactly the same but I'm not sure what's causing the ones to happen on their own. But by going to external view and back into the cockpit the constant stutter was gone (I still get it when turning on the terrain). I tried it again and then that trick didn't work.
  12. So I did another test. I see Gizmo is using about 15-20% usage with the 737 but I never noticed it as my frame time is still low. It's the G500 that's causing me issues on the other planes as that one spikes up over 50% usage. Also with the 737 the usage never goes down like it does with the G500. But it doesn't spike either.
  13. I was going to post this same issue. When I first load a plane now that uses Gizmo (including the G500 on non X-Aviation planes) I get a huge cpu draw from Gizmo. My cpu frame time goes from 0.200 to 1.500 for a minute or so. Eventually it settles down and Gizmo shows about 0.10% usage in the admin window. But then every minute or two it goes back up to 50% usage for a few seconds before settling back down which causes stutters. I've tried this with the 737, Mu2, BN-2T and the Laminar 172 with G500. I bought both the 737 and the G500 at the same time so not sure which one triggered it. My system is old, i7 4790 and I have a 5800X3D build I'm completing tomorrow so I'll report back if it continues with that new system. Prior to this week I never had an issue with Gizmo so did something update it on the 737 or G500 purchases? Btw my tests were done at various locations including Land's End which is usually very light (I get 60fps in the stock 172) just to rule out scenery problems.
  14. For now it uses the old external model so yes.
  15. What does plugin admin look like? And do you have MSI afterburner? That helps to see the nature of the stuttering.
  16. As mentioned earlier in the thread you need to contact support.
  17. I think this is just for XP12 as the main point was to get it working there and add XP12 only features. There's a couple of bug fixes for the XP11 one though that maybe will get ported to that?
  18. It says on the sales page it's not released yet in red.
  19. Where's that listed? An update check seems to show r3 is still current.
  20. What was the price you paid for it? Is it possible the users who get the free upgrade also paid more at that time?
  21. Shows 84.99 now, used to be 74.99 I believe. From sales page: EGPWS terrain display Weather radar system with tilt, showing X-Plane´s precipitation, ground returns, allows overscanning
  22. Did it say it was free when you purchased it? If not then that message doesn't apply to you.
  23. AP seems to be working in the latest beta, 12.06b6.
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