First off I am a RW-piIot with plenty of hours under my belt, you might be too quick to offer a real world solution to something that might just be a computer hardware issue.
Secondly, I just bought the IXEG 737, and I absolutely love it. Awesome add-on!
And then to my issue:
Whenever I start up XP11 and the IXEG, it works flawlessly. It starts up at my gate, I do the preflight, the checklists, and I take off. I enjoy my flight and then I land at my destination. No problem!
Then, I taxi in, shut the aircraft down and do the turn-around. If I decide to stop it here, and quit X-plane and restart later, I will NOT have ANY problems or issues at all.
The PROBLEM and ISSUE comes when I decide to continue for a second cycle without any restart of XP11 or the IXEG 737:
The take off warning config horn WILL sound on my second cycle take off, REGARDLESS of my airplane condition: Flap 1 or 5 set, speedbrakes NOT armed (fully down), NO parking brake and trim IS in the green band.
I have Honeycomb throttle hardware, and I have started to suspect that this might be the issue, but IDK. Very strange how this happens on EVERY second cycle without fail. ( and I have flown it for hours already, and this happens every single time).
Thank you for helping out! Greatly appreciated!