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Capt Kdog

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  1. thank you very much
  2. I have the 1.8 update. I need guidance on how to do the update. If possible step by step on doing the update. I'm not very computer savvy. Just a pilot Thank you
  3. Hello I'm looking for help on how update my HotStart CL650. I can't find any instruction's. Thank you
  4. Thanks their instruction guide leaves a lot to be desired. But than I’m not a computer person I’m a retired airline pilot. I did finally get it working. But then MobiFlight wouldn’t let my X-Touch Minis work. I contacted Mark Ellis at stick and rudder Studios I may have the solution. Interface my X-Touch minis with X-Key pad haven’t tried it yet. Let us pray Thanks Capt Kdog
  5. I’m having some issues setting up the CL650 DCP CCP panel? If you have one working. Is it working well? Thank you
  6. Where do I find the download update for from X-Aviation Challenger 650 version 1.7.? Thank you
  7. As far as I can tell the ATS cannot be turned on on inflight after using the automated checklist. The ATS goes of automatically. Which leads me to the conclusion that if this is consistent with the real airplane than the ATS is not certified for approach and landing anybody know if that’s true?
  8. As far as I can tell you can’t turn the ATS back on inflight. If you use the automated checklist it shuts down the ATS every time. Under these circumstances I cannot figure out how to turn the ATS back on. Is this consistent with the real aircraft? If so it would mean the ATS is not certified for approach and landing.
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