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  1. it is working now - was due to the long pause it seems....
  2. Major problem I think.... IAS not working? Accelerated down the runway and noticed the IAS was not moving. Guessed the speed for take-off and the IAS just started to creep up. However, I did have the sim paused for about 30 mins to do something before I took off. Not sure if that is related, but going to try again now.... I took a quick screenshot.
  3. Firstly - this has got to be the most beautiful aircraft to look at. The textures and modelling are exquisite! And a joy to fly, once "mastered" Noticed a couple of things during my flight today: Well, the first one speaks for itself. This was during decent and idle throttle... But the Cabin dial on the FO side - the needle disappears as it "climbs"
  4. I have got the Power Levers, and Condition Levers working on the BRAVO, using the Emergency Stop/Taxi commands in the detent (Press and Release events) etc. The only problem I have now, using Throttle 3/4 in the settings, is that my Bravo power levers are at about 50% when the Power Levers reach Ground Idle. Not a major problem, just a brain ache. Then I am using the "xscenery/mu2b60/lift_power_levers" on the Reverser Levers but this is thrown the Power levers into reverse... I was expecting it to just allow me to move my Bravo levers into the Ground Idle and beyond zone.... Demon
  5. Oh, interesting, I shall have have a look. Decided on taking my 764 up...
  6. The OEM version autopilot does not work, and the GNS version GPS screens stay off. Waiting for the next version....
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