I have dual throttle hardware, with a center detent. If I un-check Auto-stop power levers at detent throttle 4 stops working. Throttle 3 continues to work fine as a "Paddle with Detent".
This is not a hardware issue. Either physical throttle will work fine if assigned to Throttle 3, or 5. Neither will work if assigned to Throttle 4.
Combinations tried for Physical axis:
Physical Axis:
A (left) - B (right)
3 - 4 (3 works, 4 does not}
4 - 3 (4 doesn't work, 3 does)
5 - Null (5 works)
Null - 5 (5 works)
4 never works in any combination or even when it is only one axis assigned.
There is no other throttle axis assigned anywhere
No response curves, etc per manual - You should observe the words, "Add Response Curve" is correctly showing.
If I re-check Auto-stop power levers at detent 4 works in that mode, but I want to use it as Dual Paddles with Detents.
I uninstalled 2.0 and then re-installed 2.01 , rebooted, restarted, and yes I read the new manual. Tried 4 blade oem and 5 blade GNS.