RJB4000 where did you find the information about the ground spoilers? Looks like a source that would have more information on how to do things with the CL650.
when ground spoilers are set to auto when landing the spoilers do not activate. When I set them to armed they activate on touchdown. which setting is supposed to be set?
going through securing checklist I get the audio for the steps on the checklist until step 9 APU GEN off. after switching aPU off the remanning steps 10 thru 18 are not prompted. Action needed are not able to be done.
I have seen some of the problems with zink and AMD on the forum and the solution is don't use it. My problem is the avionics are dark, i have a intel cpu. Does the answer "dont use zink" apply to intel cpu's as well?
Stil trying to load a flight plan from xplane12/output/FMS plans
1. Load Xplane 12
2. Load Pilot2atc
3. Connect Pilot2ATC to the sim
4. Toggle FMC to reset FPLN
5. Select FPLN on FMC
6. Select secondary FLPN
7. Select route menu
8. Select disk route listKMCO-KMIA.fmsLog.txt
9. Load FPLN from the list
after 10 seconds get "Bad parse data"