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About aviatop

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Absolutely brilliant!
  2. Hey! Lots of of belarusian's want to see belavia's livery . Updating this topic every day waiting for it;) PS: this livery you can even see up and bottom this page in JRollon CRJ ADs;)
  3. Wow, if it's true it will be another bomb from IXEG team!
  4. Well, thanks for your replies according datarefs, it's a great pleasure for me that you pay attention on it. Another thing I wonder if you have plans to simulate circuit breakers? Of course, not now with initial releases, but in nearby future.
  5. Hello guys! And what about cockpit builders? Do you plan to share custom datarefs used in the project? Thx, Maksim.
  6. Guys, unfortunally, by deleting my messages here the problem will not be solved. Good job!
  7. Ok, so what do you advise to do? Buy another copy of the same product by aerosoft publisher?
  8. Well. And still sound called CRJ200 caut.wav doesn't play in x-aviation version of release, but everything is ok in aerosoft. Is it really too hard to fix it?
  9. And what about CRJ dynamics in 10.10? Is it still flying like a rocket near the ground level or changes have been made in this way?
  10. There are some landing technics of the CRJ, depending on the final approach speed. On windy weather, for example, approach speed is rather big and a pitch on touch down is rather small. Touch down pitch highly depends on the final approach speed: low speed - > high pitch. Sometimes even stickshaker is activated when the pilot tries to make a smooth landing on small speeds.
  11. No, just a friend, who bought it from aerosoft told me that
  12. And the silence... +1 Bug Found: in X-aviation version custom sound "CRJ200 caut" is inactive. The file is on folder, but not playing. In aerosoft version it is ok.
  13. I wonder if any chance to make flight directors a bit thicker with new update. I have an 24 inch monitor and it's rather hard to follow FD due it's tiny size. In the real one FD is much more thicker (a width of the line). If any photos to prove that needed - I will make it. Thanks. Maksim.
  14. I hope the development will be alive until this project becomes almost a copy of the real one plane Yeah, I see. But some core sounds are still missing, i.e warning/caution sound, connected with the warning/caution light. This updates are important too even they are much more difficult to make. I think some of them from my list are simpler and include work not only for Philipp;) Yes, it is the most complete CRJ now in all sims, absolutely right;) Hope it will be much more complete, than now. Thank you for your point of view according the future of the project, Javier. Maksim.
  15. I've created this topic for everybody to post here updates which he is waiting for the most. I think it wil be nice for Javier and Philipp to check this one to see the trend of what their customers want to have in this amazing aircraft. Here is my "wish-list": 1. Appropriate air-cond system (10th &14th stage); 2. TCAS; 3. Wind direction and speed indicator; 4. Magenta altitude ark on PFD; 5. F/D logic (TO/GA button, remove FD lights from MCP, FD button does not activate F/D on ground, only by TO/GA button, magenta flight directors on MFD must be a bit thiner); 6. Custom sounds (the real one is like a music box on the ground;); This list contains major updates only. I hope developers will check them and in the near future we will see them completed If any material needed (photos, videos, manuals) just request it. We can make it better together. Best Regards. Maksim.
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