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od1canod last won the day on August 11 2019

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About od1canod

  • Birthday 03/25/1967

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    Flight Sim's ;). Warm weather! Computer's/Networking. Model building. Science Fiction/Fantasy. Dogs/Cats/Pets. Did I say warm weather? Drawing/Painting. Reading. Zen/Spirituality. Astronomy...bunch of other stuff...oh, warm weather?

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  1. Gotta say, it's really annoying how the X-Aviation Licensing and TerraMaxx work. IF I don't fly X-Plane in a while and then try and load a flight it obviously tries to check the Licensing through Gizmo. Should that not work (password change, WiFi down...) the sim is locked down for quite a while as TerraMaxx defaults back to the standard seasonal. And this time the X-Aviation licencing will not allow a password to be entered or pasted. Close out X-Plane, restart, wait again for TerraMaxx to do it's thing and try again. This is not really conducive to ENJOYING the addon's. While I understand that this is to avoid unlicensed versions being run by those that would do so, it is really inconvenient to those of us that did pay the bill and thus create a market for the software to be sold to. Just some feedback... Thanks.
  2. od1canod

    Cessna 310L

    So what happened to the 310L? No updates or support for it anymore?
  3. Count me in! Still have the original and would love a go at an updated version!
  4. OK, thanks! Appreciate the clarification.
  5. Thanks for the reply and that makes sense. So my route is YEG to YZF and the carrier lists the plan as MOOTO 5800N/11400W YZF Should there not be a way to add that into the FMC with the Lat/Long waypoint? Regards, Owen
  6. Hi there, I do many of my flights in Northern Canada. Most of the airlines use Lat/Long waypoints. I have confirmed that in the G:\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\X-Aviation\IXEG 737 Classic\fmc_data\NavData\wpnavfix.txt there are entries for 58W14 58W14-58.000000-114.000000 (This is the one I am trying to use) and 5814N 5814N 58.000000 -14.000000 which is not. I enter 58W14 into the legs or route page on the FMC and I get "NOT IN DATABASE" while 5814N works fine. Can anyone explain why, using up to date Navigraph data, I cannot use a fix listed in the wpnavfix.txt file in my route?
  7. od1canod

    Paranair OD1

    Paranair OD1 View File Here are my repaints of the JRollon/X-Aviation CRJ-200 in Paranair Liveries. This package includes all four Registrations flown by Paranair. See the included readme if you need guidance to install them. While it is an older plane it's still viable in XP11. These files were done using the included templates for XP11 but should work with the XP10 version as well. http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-crj-200-p-68 X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 10 & 11
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Here are my repaints of the JRollon/X-Aviation CRJ-200 in Paranair Liveries. This package includes all four Registrations flown by Paranair. See the included readme if you need guidance to install them. While it is an older plane it's still viable in XP11. These files were done using the included templates for XP11 but should work with the XP10 version as well. Enjoy and leave a comment with any feedback! OD1
  9. Canadian North New Livery View File This is my repaint of the IXEG 737 Classic for XPlane 11 (Should work in XP10 as well) in Canadian North's new livery. Hope I did it justice...:) Submitter od1canod Submitted 09/28/2019 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-ixeg-737-classic-p-122 X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 10 & 11  
  10. Version 1.0.0


    This is my repaint of the IXEG 737 Classic for XPlane 11 (Should work in XP10 as well) in Canadian North's new livery. Hope I did it justice...:)
  11. So I'm uploading my version of that now...Thanks for the pics...hope I did it some justice...;)
  12. Just FYI, repaint done and uploaded.
  13. First Air New LIvery View File This is my repaint of the IXEG 737 Classic for XPlane 11 (Should work in XP10 as well) in First Air's new livery. Submitter od1canod Submitted 08/06/2019 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-ixeg-737-classic-p-122 X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 10 & 11  
  14. Version 1.0.0


    This is my repaint of the IXEG 737 Classic for XPlane 11 (Should work in XP10 as well) in First Air's new livery.
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