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Jean-Luc Camembert

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  1. Hi Cameron. When will I be able to use the IXEG 737 without Rosetta? Thank you for your reply.

  2. Hello. I bought the Hot start Challenger 650 on X-Plane 12 (I already had it on X-Plane 11). On the XP12 version, I can't get the base map on the cabin panel which provides distance and time remaining as well as altitude and temperature. I only have these indications on a blue background. How to get the card? Thank you in advance for your help.
  3. Thank you for the answer. I will look.
  4. When I create a new plane in career mode the HUD works correctly. It's when I take the same plane for later flights that's when it doesn't work puls and I don't have any electrical malfunction alert on the ECAM.
  5. Thank you for your reply. I tried to turn the button that you indicate to me but without success. Is there another switch for the HUD somewhere else?
  6. When I lower the Challenger 650 HUD, I don't get any green indications inside. Is there a push button? Thank you for your reply
  7. To tune takeoff performances, do you know where, in the Challenger 650, the CG and Flex can be found ?
  8. I'm starting with the Challenger 650. I have a rolling problem. I don't have a large enough turning radius to stay on the taxiway when cornering. I just have a joystick to drive. I have the noose steer and the antiskid armed. Can you help me ?
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