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Everything posted by iomagico

  1. Sorry if I’m asking something obvious but would like to know if the MU2 version 2 (best aircraft model ever) works on xplane 10 and if yes what will be missing respect to xp11 and incoming xp12. Stopped flying with XP10 around 6 years ago and my pc specs can be obsolete for xp11 or xp12. for the records, GTX980ti I7 4790k 4.0 GHz Asrock Z97E ITX Thanks in advance
  2. Great news!! Will try this update in a couple of hours, can't wait. Thanks Cameron and LES team.
  3. Hi john, I painted the dark blue one a couple of months ago. Let me know if you want it. Angelo
  4. You're welcome Chuck. Happy to hear it worked. I bet magneto is view sensitive too and I suppose solution is to modify some obj. But I can't post the trick here because of copyright. Anyway I am sure we can live with this "very small" issue and I think this update is very good, so thanks to all LES theme and to Cameron, of course. Angelo
  5. Hi Chuck, yes please give that view a try and let me know. Regarding magneto, I can only confirm both are working here. Win 7 64 bit and xp10.25 64 bit.
  6. 1. altimeter knob. It will sound odd but looking at the cockpit as I do in the attached picture (not frontally to the instruments), let the knobs working 2. magneto switchs. All is working here. Maybe you forget the correct procedure. Mixture full rich, left (or right) magneto on and then ignition. Repeat the same for the other engine. Angelo EDIT: no way to upload picture. Try from my dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/7z77qyle1hz5mjk/LES_Douglas%20DC-3.jpg
  7. Altimeter knob (pilot side) is still not working on both DC3 version. Copilot altimeter is ok.
  8. Means they're online now
  9. It's ok Cameron I totally understand. In the while the glorious DC3 is safe in the hangar, waiting for the update and I'm trying to find some place for the coming soon, beautiful Saab 340. Keep up the great work Angelo
  10. Had your same problem and fixed on Planemaker as you did. Now it works ok. Be sure to save before closing Planemaker. For reference, win8 64bit, x-plane 10.22 here.
  11. Yes, thanks. Already noticed that. @ Cameron, better to close this post.
  12. lol Anyway I think it's not 180 shifted. My opinion is that compass turn on the wrong direction. For example on 330 HDG you read 30 HDG see post http://forums.x-pilot.com/topic/5543-dc3-v-12-macroscopic-error-on-magnetic/
  13. same here. (win 8 xplane 10.22 64 bit)
  14. hi, two issue so far: 1. I'm facing a very big difference between magnetic and vacuum (gyro) indication (the latter is correct). It seems mag turn to the opposite direction) what's wrong? 2. Issue on oil pressure gauge. Workaround as previous version fix that. Angelo
  15. Had chance to take a look on my inspector settings?
  16. Can live without HDR but just impossible to manage x-plane with no AA on.
  17. I'm linking both. Consider I'm testing right now the xplane option to limit fps to half of screen sync. My need to use inspector is because, after test it, find better results with it on my monitor screen resolution (2560x1440). Will be more than happy if someone will suggest better settings. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nycaw6axklom4mm/wCzTdkOZY_
  18. James, accept my advice, because you're doing my same mistake. You got a superfastfantastic rig, as I did a couple of months ago: now you can run x-plane faster than before but NO computer can run it maxed out. Follow OlaHaldor suggestion and go step by step. Posting here will be great to fine tuning your x-plane 10. Angelo
  19. well....on CPU side I'm a bit far. i7 3770 @ 4500 here, but Titan as GPU and fast 16 GB Ram. What is driving me crazy is tuning x-plane with my one screen resolution (2560x1440). By now best result are witn inspector compared to xplane settings. No HDR at all (really I think it doesn't worth loosing 40% fps) and cloud at 10%. All the rest almost maxed out. Last GPU driver installed. What you think about ? My sensation CPU is the bottleneck.
  20. Let me know when you'll set up your rig. I am using a very similar one, Titan equipped, for x-plane 10.22. Would be great to share settings, expecially for stock rendering vs nvidia inspector. Not much of Titan users so far on x-plane.
  21. Don't know what was wrong but did again the whole installation and now it works. Thanks for answer and for the great work.
  22. Hi Leen, downloaded and followed the instructions but still no able to see any differences. The FINAL_fuselage_NML.png was already in the original objects folder so I replaced the old one; is it that correct? Edited carefully the files with notepad. Still don't know what's wrong. Maybe I have to activate something more to see the modified livery?
  23. 1 - How it was the wind when you checked both engine rpm? When you have crossed wind it's normal that props act different and engines have different rpm. 2 - Do you control both throttle with the same axe? 3 - How it was props value when you took the picture? Anyway I can say it absolutely normal have different rpm value when fly with two (or more) engine, even on jets. Because of that you have to take care on each engine, his temperatures, fuel and other parameters. To control in the best way these kind of aircrafts you need a lot of axes on your joystick. Other option is to fine tuning (all the time) with mouse. Hope it helps, Cheers Angelo
  24. Thanks Cameron, will wait for the upgrade.
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