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Everything posted by sztrova

  1. Thank you.
  2. Hello Devs, Any chance for a fix, please?
  3. At not the same intensity but I saw the same oscillation during climb too.
  4. Sorry, I had a family thingy this weekend ENVA ILS RWY 27 CAVOK, no wind (set manually) Weight is 30k lbs One thing; it was OK until I flew the GS 160kts Flaps 30, as soon as I slowed down to Vref+5 (around 125kts) and added the 45 flaps the oscillation began. @Pils
  5. I'm as the bouncing is gone as soon as I disconnect the AP and IU can easily follow the GS manually without these relatively big corrections.
  6. I should've been more precise. Yes I know there is no full autopilot, but it happens on the approach even at 2000 feet. As soon as I disconnect at around 1000 feet it stops (while I fly it manually). So it happens as soon as the GS is captured.
  7. Hello, GS on autoland used to be rock solid, but since the last update it is a constant up and down (at zero wind) as the AP overcorrects each time up and down. Did anyone else noticed it?
  8. Obviously I did if I'm asking about a specific function. I just wanted to know if you are asking about this specific page.
  9. Thank you. Are you asking me about IDX -> STATUS or something else?
  10. Which database the FMS use? I updated the default Xplane database but the FMS is still out of date.
  11. sztrova


    Thank you.
  12. sztrova


    I read it somewhere it is simulated. How can it be activated?
  13. I read it, but when I push it nothing happens.
  14. The initial release and the first patch was rock solid, but 1.3 is causing some random crash. First I thought it was something on my end (although my Xplane never crash). Today the CL650crashed twice. I got the log for the latest one. I had an uneventful cruise TNCM-KEYW at FL380. There wasn't any change, keyboard input, whatsoever. It didn't CTD instead got a popup about Vulkan while Xplane just froze in the background. Once I OKd the popup, Xplane quit. The log included the necessary "backtrace is" input. Once again it never happened with the initial release and with 1.1 only the latest patch introduced it. Log.txtCL650_Log.txt If you need any information please ask. Vic
  15. I followed this topic and even just disabling SkunkCraftsUpdater and Autopause in the plugin admin made some improvement. Good call!
  16. Even though it shows off in Xplane?
  17. Sorry to ask again, but is there a solution to my question?
  18. I got the yellow caution and my fuel temp is -40. How do I heat it up?
  19. Thank you. Once I figure it out is there a way to force some nav (IRS or GPS) to be the main source and let the others align themselves to it during flight? Or by picking up nearby VORs can I reset the position?
  20. Is it also related to IRS-FMS disagree? Is it possible to fix that in flight?
  21. What is the name of the button assignment for pitch sync?
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